Workforce Performance

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Updated: Oct 19, 2023
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Workforce Performance

Workforce performance revolves around the effectiveness, efficiency, and capabilities of employees within an organization. It’s influenced by factors like training, motivation, work environment, and tools available. Continuous assessment and optimization strategies are crucial for organizations to achieve their objectives and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Economy topic.

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The work will cover the company MyEmploysure. Its main aim is to help Australian businesses establish the workplace structures that will be compliant to the needs of the employees. Furthermore, it helps other businesses grow in what they do by managing their human resources. The service provided involves getting to know all of the legislation that has become available in the country and provide the best service in terms of differing needs of the employees. The main aim of the company is to offer comprehensive, quality, honest advice that will be scalable according to their business interests.

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It also aims to promote fairness and safety at any business, the factors which it believes to be fundamental to the success of any business (Watco Partners).

Workforce Management

Working at Employsure implies supportive and like-minded individuals keen to empower one another in order to improve the conditions of the others. The company recognizes that it works in a very dynamic environment and need to show extremely high skills for man-management due to the nature of their business. The former employees are known to show their excitement regarding the company and its ways of managing the employees. It has been claimed that the company is a people business aiming to provide as much support for the employees as possible (Employsure, 2017). It is the type of company that does not put the profits ahead of the employees. It provides strong skills for any HR professional.

Workforce Profile

Employsure currently employs over 400 people. The work timings for most of the employees are relatively flexible and their satisfaction rating appears to be high. Furthermore, they get a lot of opportunities for improving their skills with Future Leaders Program, Individual Development Plan and Regular Conferences that the firm is offering to the employees. The company has approximately 89% of the employees claiming that they would recommend it to a friend, while 93% of the employees approve of the CEO (, 2017). The business is relatively well represented in social media. Any employee event gets good coverage. Another important metric would be the employee productivity index. Given that the company has had huge success in the market, with huge growth over the past few years, it is no surprise that the index is very high. On the other hand, the training expenses per employee are high. This is because Employsure is attempting to exploit the market that has not been explored yet. Therefore, it requires completely new ways of thinking and a lot of training to provide the highest quality service. At the same time, the efficiency of these training programmes seems to be high due to the growth rates shown by the company.

Challenges for the Future

While the company has been relatively successful in changing its workforce structure to match its ambitions, it has had problems with the pay structure. The employees have been noting that the pay structure for the senior staff is non-existent and does not reflect their contributions to the company. As a result, the company may have to reconsider its wage structure, especially for the employees in the senior levels. Otherwise, it may be unable to get hold of the best employees that are looking to add to their wages. There has not been any indication of such changes in the short history of the company, but they are bound to happen, since it will be a challenge to keep the company growing.


Employsure, (2017), Life after Employsure, Official website Available at: (2017), Our Team, Official website  Available at:

Watco Partners, Key benefits of an Employsure client, workplace flyer.

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Workforce Performance. (2020, Feb 24). Retrieved from