Why Might it be Important to Learn a Second Language?

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Updated: Dec 02, 2022
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Today, the world is dominated by an economy which is dynamic in nature. With the advent of new thoughts and their infusion into trade and commerce has made the society being solely led by business. The theory propounded by Charles Darwin, survival of the fittest is now being hailed as the ultimate principle in the struggle of the achievement of the individual objective-SUCCESS.Here the importance of a second language has come to the forefront. An individual who is bilingual has advantages over someone who speaks only one mode of dialect.

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Being a bilingue gives you that cutting edge while searching for jobs and it also help you winning the confidence of current employer.Organizations who are on the lookout for promoting its business in foreign markets are always keen for getting resources who are bilingual. These individuals are looked after well in terms of remuneration and other first rate benefits.

The management believes that these excellent resources would do wonders for them in tapping the huge local market in the foreign soil. With an ever growing global economy and an increasingly diverse national population, speaking a second language is prerequisite qualification that one must add to the portfolio. From translating and creating presentations for reaching out to newer clients thus proving the indispensability of the working individual.These individuals are able to perform as mediators and are always successful in keeping the level of communication absolutely transparent.

Therefore knowing a second language is an achievement one can always boast about and is very fulfilling. Once the recognition is achieved, it will provide host of opportunities for the future. The mind will constantly be engaged and one can gain an insight view into many different cultures.Knowing a second language would definitely help to understand the market globally. It does help us in providing a first hand knowledge of the market requisition in different countries. There is another good reason for the importance of knowing a second language. Scientific researchers have shown that learning a language boost the brain function and enhances creativity of the individual. When you know a new language, you begin to relates things which you were unable to do before the knowing the language because every language approaches the world in somewhat different way.

As a consequence, one has the opportunity to understand the worth from the perspective of another culture and gain greater attention not only from the natives of the foreign country but also from the employers. Therefore the importance of second language is once again reinstated. The importance of a second language equipped us to communicate across cultures and gives us the chance to understand their point of view. Today, the world is dominated by an economy which is dynamic in nature. With the advent of new thoughts and their infusion into trade and commerce has made the society being solely led by business. The theory propounded by Charles Darwin, survival of the fittest is now being hailed as the ultimate principle in the struggle of the achievement of the individual objective-SUCCESS. Here the importance of a second language has come to the forefront. An individual who is bilingual has advantages over someone who speaks only one mode of dialect.

Being a bilingue gives you that cutting edge while searching for jobs and it also help you winning the confidence of current employer. Organizations who are on the lookout for promoting its business in foreign markets are always keen for getting resources who are bilingual. These individuals are looked after well in terms of remuneration and other first rate benefits. The management believes that these excellent resources would do wonders for them in tapping the huge local market in the foreign soil.

With an ever growing global economy and an increasingly diverse national population, speaking a second language is prerequisite qualification that one must add to the portfolio. From translating and creating presentations for reaching out to newer clients thus proving the indispensability of the working individual. These individuals are able to perform as mediators and are always successful in keeping the level of communication absolutely transparent.

Therefore knowing a second language is an achievement one can always boast about and is very fulfilling. Once the recognition is achieved, it will provide host of opportunities for the future. The mind will constantly be engaged and one can gain an insight view into many different cultures. Today, the world is dominated by an economy which is dynamic in nature. With the advent of new thoughts and their infusion into trade and commerce has made the society being solely led by business. The theory propounded by Charles Darwin, survival of the fittest is now being hailed as the ultimate principle in the struggle of the achievement of the individual objective-SUCCESS. Here the importance of a second language has come to the forefront.

An individual who is bilingual has advantages over someone who speaks only one mode of dialect. Being a bilingue gives you that cutting edge while searching for jobs and it also help you winning the confidence of current employer. Organizations who are on the lookout for promoting its business in foreign markets are always keen for getting resources who are bilingual. These individuals are looked after well in terms of remuneration and other first rate benefits. The management believes that these excellent resources would do wonders for them in tapping the huge local market in the foreign soil.

With an ever growing global economy and an increasingly diverse national population, speaking a second language is prerequisite qualification that one must add to the portfolio. From translating and creating presentations for reaching out to newer clients thus proving the indispensability of the working individual. These individuals are able to perform as mediators and are always successful in keeping the level of communication absolutely transparent. Therefore knowing a second language is an achievement one can always boast about and is very fulfilling. Once the recognition is achieved, it will provide host of opportunities for the future. The mind will constantly be engaged and one can gain an insight view into many different cultures.

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Why Might It Be Important to Learn a Second Language?. (2019, Apr 30). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-might-it-be-important-to-learn-a-second-language/