Why is Mozart so Influential?

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the most influential and one of the most known musician of his generation. He changed the way people looked at musicians and the way music sounded during and after his tenure. I will be giving a brief summary on Mozart’s come up and how he got the status of legend.

Mozart made a name for himself by performing at many different European venues. Also, Mozart had many types of work composed during his time. When Mozart was six years old, his father took him and his sister who was eleven at the time to travel and performed at many different venues in Europe.

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Mozart performed in such venues like the court of Paris, London, the Hague and Zurich. This Exposed Mozart to audiences by the time he was only six years old. Mozart, also composed many works that included sonatas, symphonies, masses, concertos, and operas. This raised eyebrows as audiences were not used to seeing musicians know this much of this many different sounds.

While traveling, there was a lot of positive and negative aspects of Mozart’s type of travel and performances. During his young days, traveling to many different venues benefited him as he got to meet many accomplished musicians and become familiar with their work. One of the people he met was Johann Christian Bach who was a composer as well, had a strong influence on a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Although, there was many positives, as well there was as many negatives about traveling and touring. There was many times that Mozart and many family members fell seriously ill during these tours which caused them to limit their performance schedule. Even though some of Mozart’s performances were limited, his sound was clearly making an impression and people wanted a part of that.

Growing up Mozart didn’t have no problems or no inconvenience with the people around him. However, once he got older things started to get a little rocky as his father’s benefactor, Archbishop Von Schrattenbach passed away once Mozart returned from Italy. Von Schrattenbach was succeeded by Hieronymus von Colleredo who then appointed a young Mozart as a assistant concertmaster. Mozart was unhappy with this position as he felt that he could do more somewhere else. Archbishop von Colloredo started to become impatient with Mozart’s complaints and immature attitude. Right after this Mozart set out a trip with his mom to find a more compelling job for him.

Wolfgang Mozart, a very talented musician had something that many others around his time didn’t have. Being able to play as many different instruments and master them without having trouble at it. Mozart played many instruments like Violin,Viola, and Keyboard instruments. He learned this through his father as Mozart was tutored by his father. By the time Mozart was five, he exceeded his father’s teaching as he became really good at playing these instruments.

During his young days, Mozart showed a tremendous amount of promise as he showed that his skills were beyond teachable. Even though some didn’t really get it at first, his skills were beyond his time as you can see, till this day people talk about his music. There is a lot more left to the story. Even though is not the best, his story is pretty impressive.

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Why is Mozart so influential?. (2019, Aug 05). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-is-mozart-so-influential/