Should Batman Kill the Joker?

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Should Batman Kill the Joker?

This essay will delve into the moral and ethical reasons behind Batman’s decision not to kill the Joker, despite the latter’s numerous heinous crimes. It will explore themes of justice versus vengeance, Batman’s personal moral code, and the implications of taking a life, even that of a notorious criminal, in the context of superhero ethics. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Batman.

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The Joker is Batmans most immense rival. All the horrible and deceivable wrongs the Joker has committed, Batman should put an end to him. Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, is the watchful protector of Gotham City. He is the person fighting crime and saving the city of Gotham from evil people, like the Joker. The Joker is killing innocent lives and destroying the city of Gotham, and I believe Batman should kill him. Batman does not kill the Joker because it goes against his morals, the Joker wants a way out, and Gotham city might no longer need its hero.

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What are morals? Morals are a lesson, a person’s standards of behavior or beliefs, and usually, is derived from an experience. Batman’s morals are the reason he refuses to kill the Joker. Batman made a promise to himself that he would never kill. As much as he would like to kill the Joker, he knows he has to stick to his moral code. In the essay, “Why Doesn’t Batman Kill the Joker?”, it said, “…Batman has refused to kill at all, usually saying that if he kills, it would make him as bad as the criminals he is sworn to fight”(06). Also, saying that if he kills “…he will be crossing a line from which he would never return…”(08). Batman makes the decision to not kill the Joker because of his moral code, but is it fair to the lives that are being taken. Batman could put an end to all of this nonsense, but his moral code keeps him from putting forth those actions. Batman’s moral code is his beliefs and nobody else’s. There are other ways of winning a battle that does not involve killing the opponent. Without morals, there are no rules. Batman’s morals are his rules.

Have you ever notice the Jokers personality? The Jokers personality is very dark, playful, and curious. He simply does not care about the events going on around him. The Joker has committed deceitful crimes and he should be killed for them, which is exactly what he wants, but why? The Joker has no family, no one who truly cares about him, which may be the reason he does not want to live anymore. He is trying to find an escape route. He wants the means to escape but Batman does not give him the satisfaction. In the movie, The Dark Knight, the Joker said to Batman, “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.”(1:29:20-1:29:22) Rules are the only thing keeping a person stable. If Batman did not have rules, he could potentially become like the Joker. In the essay, “The Joker’s Wild: Can We Hold The Clown Prince Morally Responsible?”, it said, “…the Joker hasn’t just done criminal things, he’s done unimaginably awful things, things of the utmost moral repugnance” (71). The Joker is beyond insane, he is mentally ill. He plays games and mind tricks to make people wish they want to kill him. The Joker seems like he would rather be dead than alive. Batman does not want to put him out of his misery, but instead wants to make him suffer for the crimes he has committed. If Batman killed the Joker, the Joker would win in the end.

If Batman killed the Joker, would the city of Gotham still need a hero? Bruce Wayne created the idea of Batman to save Gotham city. His purpose was to derive the city from the evil and danger that haunts the streets at night. Also, save the city that was once lost and completely destroyed. In the movie, The Dark Knight, Alfred told Bruce, “Things always get worse before they get better.” (1:38:2-1:38:30) At first, Gotham city was dying but now, it is being salvaged by Batman. Batman is the true hero of Gotham city. Jim Gordon referred to Batman as, “…a silent guardian…a watchful protector. A dark knight.” (2:24:18-2:24:25) Batman has made Gotham city a better place to live. He will always be watching over and defending the lives of its citizens. The people of Gotham city have put their trust in Batman, they are hopeful, and should be grateful to know Batman would not let them down. Batman will always be a part of Bruce Wayne, where would he be without him. So, with or without Batman, Gotham city will be just fine.

Some may think Batman should kill the Joker, and I absolutely agree. If Batman killed the Joker, the people of Gotham would feel much safer knowing a criminal, who has killed innocent lives, is dead. The city of Gotham would finally be at peace, without having to look over their shoulders. If Batman did kill the Joker, it might have an effect on not only him but Bruce Wayne. Batman is going against his promise and moral code. He wanted to rid Gotham city of criminals but not become a criminal. He does not want to end up being like the Joker.

In conclusion, killing can take a toll on your soul. Even though, killing a person is the way to go, it is not always the right thing to do. Batman’s morals are the reason he decides to spare the Jokers life. He knows it is wrong and not the most civil action to take. The Joker is just looking for a way to escape. Gotham city needs a hero, not another Joker. Batman intends to keep his promise and never lose sight of who the people of Gotham city needs him to be, their hero.

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Should Batman Kill the Joker?. (2019, Nov 14). Retrieved from