Walden Journal Issues

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Answer to question 1: Examples of Transcendentalism in Walden: Thoreau (the narrator of the story) decided to spend more time with himself instead of working hard to be, in conclusion, unfulfilled and reduced to a thing that lives a quiet, sad life. He describes the main necessities in life to be food (including water), shelter, clothes, and a type of fuel Thoreau states that anything other than those four things that we have (basically what we want, not what we need), it is because of our want of warmth.

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He says that the real luxury in life is finding out what you really are and what you can do. He believes that modern life is basically the search for something impossible. Answer to question 2: Finding out how much is enough depends on the person. If you are talking to a really wealthy person, they might say having a small house, a loving family, some clothes, etc. Compared to a poor person, however, they might say that all we need is clothes, a place to sleep, food, and water.

For me, after reading Walden, I (now) believe that all we need to be satisfied is food, water, clothing and shelter. Differentiating between wants and needs also depends on the person and their living standards. But for me, you can tell the difference between a want and a need is that if you legitimately die without it, it is a need, but if you can live (without being physically harmed either), it is a want.Answer to question 1: Examples of Transcendentalism in Walden: Thoreau (the narrator of the story) decided to spend more time with himself instead of working hard to be, in conclusion, unfulfilled and reduced to a thing that lives a quiet, sad life. He describes the main necessities in life to be food (including water), shelter, clothes, and a type of fuel Thoreau states that anything other than those four things that we have (basically what we want, not what we need), it is because of our want of warmth.

He says that the real luxury in life is finding out what you really are and what you can do. He believes that modern life is basically the search for something impossible. Answer to question 2: Finding out how much is enough depends on the person. If you are talking to a really wealthy person, they might say having a small house, a loving family, some clothes, etc. Compared to a poor person, however, they might say that all we need is clothes, a place to sleep, food, and water. For me, after reading Walden, I (now) believe that all we need to be satisfied is food, water, clothing and shelter. Differentiating between wants and needs also depends on the person and their living standards. But for me, you can tell the difference between a want and a need is that if you legitimately die without it, it is a need, but if you can live (without being physically harmed either), it is a want.

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Walden Journal Issues. (2019, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/walden-journal-issues/