Types of Adversity

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According to the Oxford dictionary, adversity is a hostile or an unlucky event or circumstance. It is manifested by a tragedy or suffering. There are various forms of adversity and there are several ways to overcome it.

The first form of adversity is physical adversity

Several problems are associated with this form. Long-lasting pain, exhaustion and obesity they prompt individuals to fight to attain a sense of normality in their lives. In this kind of situation, the individuals feel they is some bit of suffering since they cannot do this in their normalcy.

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This situation may be overcome by first trying to watch your diet. This will help reduce the chances of obesity. Frequent exercise and work outs may help keep the physical state in good condition and hence reducing the chances of physical adversity.

The second is mental diversity

Just like any other form of adversity, mental adversity limits individuals in their lives. This state in individuals should be overcome by trying to have a psychologist who keeps a close monitoring of the state. Avoiding loneliness and keeping in touch with your friends, helps to overcome this problem. Exercising and taking your medication in time will really help to walk through this form of adversity. Another key method in trying to handle this situation is never loosing hope. One should always keep in mind that they will get better.

The third is the emotional adversity

Individuals at this state, they allow feelings to overcome them. Individuals with emotional maturity rarely face this challenge compared to people with no such emotional experience and operative mind state. To overcome this condition therefore, individuals should learn to tame their feelings. Keeping watch on them and never allowing them to overcome you. Communicating with the relevant stakeholders might also help to reduce this adversity.

Fourth is social adversity

How we really walk among people in the society and interact with them is very important in our success. Life can really lack meaning when you are lonely. When you have no one to talk and interact with. It therefore requires an individual to have socials skills in order to have that ability to interact with others. To those who find it difficult, they are advised to attend the social programs available to improve on their social skills. This form of adversity secludes you from the majority and people around you feel uncomfortable to interact with you. Some of them say you are awkward.

The fifth form is the spiritual adversity

How strong your belief and faith is an advantage in life. Therefore individuals with this has a higher power over those with low believes and faith in religion. The ones with higher power find more peace in what they believe in. To counter this adversity, one is advised to trace his believes. The last form of adversity is financial adversity. This occurs when you lack cash to afford a certain lifestyle. You have to acquire necessary skills to obtain money. For individuals who suffer this kind of adversity, they are advised to have budgeting skills from the financial professionals. To those without any means of acquiring money they are asked to find any form of income generating projects.

Works sited

Rutter, Michael. Resilience in the face of adversity: Protective factors and resistance to disorders. The British journal of psychiatry 147.6(1985): 598-611..

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Types Of Adversity. (2020, May 08). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/types-of-adversity/