The UK and the EU Relationship

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David Cameron, the man who will be formally recognized as prime minister of the UK from 2010-2016 and the face behind Brexit. For the 2015 election, Cameron based his campaign on the idea of a renegotiation amongst the UK and the EU relationship. Cameron also promised a referendum, whether the UK should leave the EU after the new negotiations have been established. Cameron was reelected as the Prime Minister of the UK for a second term, and the government was of a conservative majority.

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After the second reelection, he delivered the referendum as promised. The vote was close with Brexit taking a lead of 4% of the vote. The vote was finalized the UK would be exiting the EU. The day after the vote David Cameron resided as Prime Minister stating, “I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination” (Doherty).

Theresa May is the Prime Minister of the UK after Cameron’s resignation. She is currently working on making deals with the EU pertaining to EU and UK citizenship, the single market, taxes, borders, etc. There have not been agreements between the two yet, however something must be decided upon quickly as the UK will leave the EU on March 29,2019. Despite the date quickly approaching, political pressure for a second referendum has increased. Political groups as well as popular people with influence, are concerned with the fact there is not a second vote for the type of Brexit (deal or no deal).

From BBC, an author by the name Chris Mason wrote the article Brexit: May vows no compromise with EU on Brexit plan. BBC news tries its best to stay impartial on the political spectrum, but humans are bias, and it reflects in Masons article. The article Mason wrote was a two-piece article consisting of talk over a second referendum, and a slightly biased analysis of the current political situation. Through the second part of the article he writes with a tone of annoyance and frustration. Mason writes how May has made no progress on a deal for the UK and as a result this term will be a rough term, politically speaking. David Cameron is from the UK and by the tone in his article, it seems he is either against Brexit or just annoyed with the situation. I think his article reflects the frustration he feels towards the conservative party, May, and the idea of Brexit as a whole. This pre-bias Mason has, makes him write May in a poor manor focusing on all she has not accomplished rather than what she has and might accomplish for Brexit. (Mason)

In the case of Brexit, the cause is at large. Individual behavior could be to blame for Brexit. David Cameron acted out of his own interests. Proposing this extremist idea was purposefully done to unite the right voters so David Cameron and his party could be reelected. Cameron promised citizens the referendum, if he did not commit to the referendum his political career would be over. Cameron proceeded with the referendum putting the UK in a situation where there is political polarization. Many are asking for a second vote, nonetheless May is not budging. It is difficult to say if May is acting out of her own interest by not allowing the second referendum. It is strange that she does not support a second referendum considering she was not supportive of Brexit in the beginning.

The ideas that are influencing the talk of a second vote are clashing with the idea of democracy for May. The reason for the call of the second vote is that there has not been a deal made with the EU upon the UKs exit. The people only voted if the UK should leave the EU. There was no clarification of what terms the exit will be left on. According to John Curtice, Sir John Mayor and Tony Blair suggest that parliament should vote against any form of a hard Brexit and hold a second vote. May has stated, “To ask the question all over again would be a gross betrayal of our democracy – and a betrayal of that trust” (Mason). May believes the people have spoken once in the first vote, therefore their voice should not be undermined by a second vote.

The institution of democracy could be a causing factor of the second referendum. Since the UK is a democracy, citizens have a say in what the government does. Citizens have voted to leave the EU, that was their choice. May continues trying to negotiate deals for the exit but has been unsuccessful so far. Should the people have the right to vote if the UK should leave with a deal, no deal or should simply remain as the 28th member of the EU. The people have the right to vote in a democracy but May disagrees. Having a second vote allows democratic principles to be exercised and could help the government in the decision-making process.

Regarding the future of the UK, I think there is a lot to expect and several different scenarios. It is doubtful May will allow a second referendum, meaning, May and other MPs will be the deciders of how the UK will exit. For Theresa May, the Chequers Deal would be ideal. The Chequers Deal is neither a hard or soft Brexit, but somewhere in between. The UK and the EU would be close as far as the single market aspect goes. There would be no tariffs but easy trading with other EU countries would continue. However, the deal would allow the UK to openly trade with other countries such as the US and China. This type of deal would be beneficial for many but realistically, it won’t happen. I personally believe the EU will not allow any of the deals May proposes. The reason for this is because the EU has a representation they must uphold. If it is easy for the UK to get all the benefits they would like from the EU but not be a part of the institution, what would stop other countries from thinking the same thing? I think the final day for the breakup will be postponed causing economic and political problems. And shortly will be followed by a no deal Brexit. The outcome will reveal its self shortly as the deadline quickly approaches.

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The UK and the EU relationship. (2020, Jan 22). Retrieved from