The Truth of Drug Abuse

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As Nathan Driskell once said, Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside. Addiction is a common issue and numerous people don’t realize. Over twenty million Americans under the age of 18 are already addicted to a drug. Drug abuse is a major concern despite a person’s race, gender, national origin, ethnicity, social status, or religion. Addictions can affect anyone and can be caused by a variety of reasons. To overcome an addiction and staying drug free requires a persistent effort.

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To begin, physical dependence theories suggest that drug use encompasses the user to continue taking the drugs, stop, go through withdrawals and then retake the drug in order to stop withdrawal process. Drug abuse has been played by the American continent since the 1800s. Later, then morphine, heroin, and cocaine were hailed for the amazing corrative properties. In the nineteenth century, drug abuse was so widespread that Britain went to war twice with China to keep the opium trade routes open (source 1). Opium eventually made it to China, and the local Chinese started trading it with the British, French and Dutch traders. However, towards the 1970s and 1980s, a new theory came to the surface, as the positive incentive theory of addiction. Between 1980 and 1984, for the first time cocaine users averaged 1.3 million per year. In 1992 and 1993, 5.5 percent of pregnant women per year took some form of illicit drug. By the mid 20th century, illicit drug use was all but eradicated in the United States, through focused national, and global suppression of the industry. In 2013, about 1.3 million adults and 73,000 adolescents received treatment at a specialized facility for an alcohol use disorder (source 1). As a result, the history of assistance in the USA dates back hundreds of years.

In addition, most teens today regularly use drugs or alcohol to compensate for anxiety, depression, or a lack of positive skills. Vulnerability to addiction varies from person to person, the symptoms differ, but there are specific factors that may make one person more vulnerable to addiction (source 6). Irritability or aggression are common after using illegal substances, there can also be a big change in personality, attitude, school performance, change in friend groups, family relationships, or more delinquent behavior. Physical changes could include Blackouts, withdrawal symptoms, red eyes, change in eating, sleeping habits, mood swings, irritability, and anger outburst. Physical addiction appears to occur when repeated use of a drug changes the way the brain feel pleasure (source 2). Drug abuse tends to do significant alterations in a person’s behavior and habits. Signs and symptoms of drug use or intoxication may vary, but that depends on the type of drug.

Furthermore, addiction causes the uncontrollable craving to continue the use, the desire to use grows more important than anything else, including family, friends, career, and even one’s health and happiness. Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drugs. Most of the noticeable causes of drug use are those that affect the inner body workings. Adolescents often might not consider the consequence of their actions, leading them to take risks such as abusing legal, or illegal drugs or medications. Substances such as alcohol, weed, nicotine are also considered drugs. When one may continue sing the drug despite the harm it causes (source 2). Mixed factors can contribute to teen drug abuse, from insecurity to a desperate for social attention and acceptance.

Uniquely, thousands of drug abuse rehabilitation programs offer addicts a wide selection of treatment, ranging from traditional, evidenced based care to more experimental or holistic services. As drugs have been abused for hundreds of years all over the world, their effects have been felt for just as long (source 1). There are numerous types of treatment options, NIDA reports that there are over 14,500 specialized substance abuse treatment programs offering countless of care options. Therapeutic methods to pharmaceutical tools to complementary forms of medicine, about 10% of Americans claim to be in recovery from alcohol or drug issues. Multiple doctors tell patients to have alone or family therapy sessions, learning new coping skills and knowing where to find help are essential. The Proliferation of these substance birthed many government agencies, all commissioned to counter the scourge of illegal drugs. These bureaucracies, in turn, needed statical information in order to effectively understand the scope of their task (source 4). A focal point on understanding the nature of addiction, becoming drug free and preventing relapse.

Add transition word, Since care should be customized according the the individual patient, often times ones treatment regime will consist of a range at therapies that have been chosen specifically for the patient. Levels of care and settings that vary depending on your needs, such as outpatient, residential and inpatient programs. There are many addicts who say they do not need the programs, but in reality they really do need it.

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The Truth of Drug Abuse. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from