The Storm the Historic and Cultura

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In the stories “The storm and “The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin use irony in different situations. The use of irony can play a key role in moving a story forward and deepening its meaning also it gives the twist and turn. Situational irony is used to show the reader that what is expected to happen sometimes doesn’t. Dramatic irony is used to clue the reader in on something that is happening that the characters in the story do not know about.

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In the story “The Storm the historic and cultural as well as local setting play an important role it clarifies the reader the sense of the plot, we have been witnesses in the history to woman status. They were expected to be good wives and mothers, woman had to stay home raise the children and do home chores. At the pass religion also took a big part of people lives and their decisions.

In both stories the female character evoked, in “The Storm Calixta evoked by the upcoming storm, the storm evokes in her the filling of fear what would happen with her on the other hand in “The Story of an Hour Louise evoked by the news that her sister break to her of her suppose death husband Louise as well as Calixta fell a fear of her own feelings of joy being finally Free. For both female the fear goes away, in Calixta’s case the fear from the storm goes away when Alcee shows up and consoling her she felt better in his arms. These fear felling bring to both characters felling of joy for a short time. Louise and Calixta portraited by the writer Chopin as weak woman who cannot fight for their freedom and desires.
On the other hand, the meal characters in the story are portraited as men with good traits such as generosity, kindness and loving mans also the men comparing the woman in the stories are in the superior status as was customary at the time.

Chopin use in her stories the element of flashbacks in “The storm she uses a flashback to give us the readers an idea about the relationship in the past between Alcee and Calixta. Chopin uses suspense as well in both stories “the storm and “the story of an hour, the suspense in “the storm starts with the buildup of the storm and the development of the passion between Alcee and Calixta. The suspense also presents in “the story of an hour when Josephine Louise sister worry about l Louise and her weak heart, Josephine is afraid that Louise weak heart won’t take the bad news and she will die.

The turning point in the story “The storm was when Alcee and Calixta embracing and reminding one another of the past. The climax in the story is when the storm pass and both Alcee and Calixta go back to their current life in their present marriage.
In both stories the writer Kate Chopin present the same tone, she clearly stats woman status in the society in the history, woman rights and the desire of own say and freedom.

The storm is over and with it the passion between Alcee and Calixta each went back to their life like they never meet in this stormy day, Alcee send a letter to his wife Clarisse asking her to stay longer in resaving the latter Clarisse feels happy because she is getting her freedom “As for Clarisse, she was charmed upon receiving her husband’s letter ,. The society was agreeable, many of her old friends and acquaintances were at the bay. And the first free breath since her marriage seemed to restore the pleasant liberty of her maiden days (by Kate Chopin “the storm)

The reader in the beginning of the story get a since that Alcee and Calixta will stay together after the storm ends but writer use situational irony in the plot and what was expected by the readers did not happened each of them continued their life but separately. Calixta was happy to see that her husband Bobinot and her son Bibi are ok, and Alcee make his decision regarding his marriage.

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The Storm The Historic And Cultura. (2019, Jul 20). Retrieved from