The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Health

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Childhood Obesity has become an ongoing problem across the United States. Obesity kills about 34 children every hour in the world, making it a serious issue. Many leaders and people have come together to attempt to prevent the issue, but some strategies have failed. Most people disregard the fact that what they feed their children can affect them in many ways, specifically become obese. Childhood obesity can lead to becoming obese in the future, being susceptible to different diseases and causing death at a young age.

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People seem to lose control over their diet when they eat too much food that include too much carbohydrate and fulcrums that increase the capacity of fats and white blood cells that could lead to eurytopic disease. Many people think of a short-term cause or effect of what happen when they eat too much to the point where they cannot gain control. Obesity can be contagious, or it can be a disease where it can be spread to other individual. Let’s say that if parents started to ignite the problem or the way that lead to obesity then mind as well will affect their offspring. A time magazine of 2002 stated that, “children have increase the probability of losing their sight, and momentarily lead to the state of possess asthma. This will be the fault of the parents because they could not set an example that may benefit the welfare of those who suffer at such a young age.” Obesity can lead people to being lazy which fails them to succeed in life when they want to pursue any interest in any field as a leader. It will also cause the chances and opportunity of getting a high pay job. Many people lost their jobs because of laziness, and it is quite unfortunate that it will impact their reputation which might be a risk for them to get a new job. Therefore, an equation of failure has derived from the scenario that might be applicable to real life which is obesity plus laziness is equal to failure. People need to end laziness, or it will end them under different circumstances.

There are many ways that the people can eliminate obesity or factors that led them to be fat. One of them is very common which everyone can afford to do which is exercise. Exercise is very effective in improving peoples’ lives and boost the energy to complete daily tasks with no hesitation. It can help people to relieve stress which is one of the benefits of exercising. As for the other one is that it will help people to enhance their memory which is highly recommend for students when they have an upcoming exam. There are a lot of benefit that can inherit from the state of getting a good workout vs the lack of controlling diet. The problem with people that are not getting a good workout is because they are lazy which is already stated in the beginning. People come up with excuses that became an obstacle that stop them from succeeding in becoming a healthy person.

Obesity occurs when someone decides to eat more calories than the appropriate amount, especially if the amount of energy being consumed is lower than the amount accumulated through eating. The idea of obesity being influential in terms of spreading is a fact, when one decides to let go off all healthy habits this leads to influence on those who looks up to them. I’d say parents need to be more careful when it comes to feeding their children, especially because food can not only provide necessary needs for the body but could also provide diseases such as obesity. Obesity can also lead to other diseases like heart problems, respiratory problems and overweight. These problems all together can lead to nothing but death, in which is not a good perk when you are young.

Providing children with better options in terms of consumption can help them at least eat healthier. The main problem with obesity comes from eating, so by probably attaining an upper hand with food could help lessen the chance of getting obese. Healthy eating could also mean lower consumption of calories, in which means more energy is being burned in comparison to what was consumed. You can also try lessening the amount of unhealthy food within homes so that children have less reach of such unhealthy substances. Many parents and people of the community have also raised the concern of improving school menus, taking away beverages such as soda and junk food. School menus have also played a role in causing our children to become obese in a way.

Childhood obesity is particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once considered adult problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Many obese children become obese adults, especially if one or both parents are obese. Childhood obesity can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Children inherit these bad habits of not eating right when there is no one in the family to set the example for them. When the children see their parents eating junk food, most likely, they will do the same thing. Parents must set the example for their children if they want their children to live long.

The lack of exercise and physical activity is also another reason why children become obese. Children today show a decrease in overall physical activity. The growing use of computers, increased time watching television and decreased physical education in schools, all contribute to children and adolescents living a more sedentary lifestyle. Children will spend time on their phones and electronic devices rather than going on adventures or so. Some parents fail to recognize this issue causing the children to do whatever they want to.

Works Cited

  1. Davidson, Tish. “Childhood obesity.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, edited by Jacqueline L. Longe, 5th ed., Gale, 2015. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 22 Oct. 2018.
  2. Kinge, Jonas Minet, and Stephen Morris. “The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Health and Health Service Use.” Health Services Research, June 2018, p. 1621+. Business Collection, Accessed 22 Oct. 2018.
  3. MOORE, ELIZABETH S., et al. “All in the Family? Parental Roles in the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity.” Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 43, no. 5, Feb. 2017, pp. 824–859. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093/jcr/ucw059.
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The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Health. (2019, Jul 18). Retrieved from