The Field of Early Childhood

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A Mission Statement for the Field of Early Childhood

The early childhoodfield consists of five sectors. “”The sectors are Head Start, Chid Care, Health and Well Being of Children and Families, Research and Academia in the Early Childhood Field and Public Early Childhood Education, Each sectors talks about the goals and accomplishment, history, contributors, history and current issues”” (Laureate Education).

Summary of five sctors goals

Head Start is a program that is funded by the federal government to serve children between the ages of 3 and 5.

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“”Curriculum must promote children cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical development””( Laureate Education). Head Start goal is to help promote the children the children school readiness why enhancing their social and cognitive development. It was design to have appropriate materials for the children, where the children experience is included and to value the roles of parents and staff.

Child Care goal are to provide family culturally approiate environment for children and there families. to have a staff that’s knowledge of the development of children.While encouraging the involvement of parents and having good communication with them. “”Child Care focus highly on the quality and the ability of programs to provide developmentally individually and culturally appropriate””activities.

The Health and Well Being focused on the child and parent received prevention, treatment and early intervention. It goal is to assure families are provide support for those under five at nutritional risk. With th e Health and Well being it can help identify potential red flags for children development and learning. Marmot stated the foundations for virtually every aspect of human development- physical, intellectual and emotional- are laid in early childhood. What happens during these early years have lifelong effects on many aspects of health and well being from obesity heart disease and mental health to educational achievemnet and economic status””(Fair Society Healthy Living 2010).


Early Childhood Education goal is to prepare children for kindergarten. It supports the developmental learning appropriateness for the young children. It use developmental learning appropriateness for the young child.

Research and Academia focus identify appropraite/effective skills and disposition for teachers working with young children and their families.The research and academia keep teacher on top of new knowledge of chiildren learning.


They all have different approach to early childhood education.Some of their similiarties focus on the low income family, providing help for the parents as well as the child.All the sectors did their reserch on the type of program that they will be providing to the children. In all the sectors they focus on the need and interest of the child, their abilities and well being.

Mission Statement

To provide a developmentally appropriate program. All children are able to grow as individual as they master their developmental skills. Our purpose is to provide a stimulating experience, family support and encouragement to help your child through their early years. That every child has a opportunity to develop to his/ her full potential.


The five sector plays an important part of the eraly childhood education. The sectors focus on the children developmental learning stages in their early years. Its providing curriculum to promote children’s cognitive , language, social, emotional and physical development. They all focus on getting children school readiness for elementary school.

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The Field of Early Childhood. (2019, Nov 30). Retrieved from