The Disorder of Dyslexia

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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The disorder comes from parts of the brain that deal with the processes of language development. Scans of the brain show that when a person tries to read the brain cannot function correctly and the areas of the brain are not active. Each person has a different form of dyslexia that they have to live life and manage every day. It can be mild or severe. Dyslexia will not stop anyone from learning it just takes them longer to connect the letters to form words and they can learn like any normal person, they will just have to work harder than most.

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It is hard to see the condition in some people because it is known as a hidden disability just because if it is mild people will think that it is just a simple mix up. There are symptoms through different age groups. In preschoolers, it just seems like a child is not learning as fast or being a difficult baby because they still use baby talk. the preschooler cannot recognize letters and they have a hard time learning the alphabet. In elementary school, it becomes noticeable because as the child grows and they fall behind their peers.

They cannot read or write as well as their other classmates and it shows there is something wrong with the processing skills of the child. The easiest symptoms to see in an elementary kid is misspelling words like dog, and the understanding of what they are reading. Students in middle in high school start having problems writing and making grammatical errors and it takes them longer to do simple homework. They will even completely pronounce a word wrong, such as furnish and finish. A teacher will be able to tell the symptoms before anyone else just because they will grade the child’s assignments and see how they are progressing in the class. Each person has a different type of dyslexia that disrupts everyday life. There are lots of different types of dyslexia such as, phonological dyslexia, surface dyslexia, rapid naming deficit dyslexia, double deficit dyslexia, and visual dyslexia. Phonological dyslexia is when a person cannot break down the sounds and connect them with words, this is the most common type of dyslexia. “found that vocabulary knowledge between 16 and 24 months predicted vocabulary knowledge, phonological awareness, reading accuracy, and reading comprehension when the children were 5 to 9 years old.” (Sietske van Viersen)

Surface dyslexia is remembering words by sight, if the word is not spelled how it sounds a person will not be able to read it. For example, weight. Rapid naming refers to when a person cannot rapidly name letters or numbers. Double deficit dyslexia is a mixture of phonological and rapid naming deficit dyslexia. Visual dyslexia is when a person cannot remember what the word looks like so they read it incorrectly. Each person has a different type of dyslexia that affects them and even sometimes a mixture between them. It is a constant battle that makes it harder for a student to learn but not impossible. Dyslexia is a brain condition that is not curable but manageable. It is chronic and can last from years or be lifelong. People develop it at different times during their lives. There are more than 3 million cases just in the united states alone. The parts of the brain that are affected by dyslexia is the left temporal lobe that controls language. That is the area just behind the ear. Wernicke’s area is an important part of the language processing and reading. “Here dyslexia is represented not as a syndrome but as a type of reading difficulty.” (Frith, 1999)

Dyslexia affects the left hemisphere of the brain. Many people are affected by dyslexia. It is hereditary meaning that there is a gene for dyslexia. If a parent has dyslexia that means that the child has a fifty-fifty chance of having dyslexia, even more so if the father’s parents or even siblings has dyslexia. “The condition is a wide-ranging, genetically based, neurodevelopmental syndrome.” (John Stein, Joel Talcott, 1999) It is more easily to be passed down from generation to generation because it is very common among people but no everyone develops it at the same time. Even if the father has phonological dyslexia that does not mean that the child will have the same type of dyslexia, it is really dependent on the child and how the brain can process learning.

In conclusion, dyslexia is a disorder that makes it hard for a person to learn, its stops them from reading, writing and speaking. Everyone has a different type of dyslexia. The symptoms also vary from person to person. There are lots of different types of dyslexia such as, phonological dyslexia, surface dyslexia, rapid naming deficit dyslexia, double deficit dyslexia, and visual dyslexia. It is developed at different times for different people. It makes it harder for students to learn in school because they fall behind their peers and it gets more noticeable as the child gets older and has harder assignments in the school. Dyslexia is not curable but it is manageable with special help. People who have the disorder have difficulty reading and spelling. It disrupts daily activities that include reading and creates problems for many people. It is a gene that is passed down through the family. Dyslexia is hard to overcome but it can be.

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The Disorder Of Dyslexia. (2020, Feb 23). Retrieved from