The Bill of Rights and Constitution

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The Bill of Rights and Constitution

This essay will provide an overview of the Bill of Rights and its role within the U.S. Constitution. It will discuss the significance of the first ten amendments, their impact on American law and society, and how they protect individual freedoms and rights. The piece will explore the historical context of their creation and their ongoing relevance in contemporary legal debates. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Bill Of Rights.

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On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution. These amendments were created to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States. The most important rights that were created in the Bill of Rights is the first amendment, it protects a citizen’s freedom of speech and allow them to freely speak what they want and believe. It also allows the freedom of religion and press.

First Amendment allows Americans who live in a country where they can freely express themselves, speak their mind, pray without interference, protest in peace and where their opinions are taken into consideration, which is something not many other nationalities have the fortune of saying.

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he first amendment is perhaps the most important part of the U.S. Constitution because the amendment guarantees citizens freedom of religion, speech, writing and publishing, peaceful assembly, and the freedom to raise grievances with the Government. In addition, amendment requires that there be a separation maintained between church and state. It was created to make sure that government does not interfere into Americans personal lives. The rights spoken about in the amendment were so important that the states and their leaders refused to ratify the Constitution. The First Amendment has progressed with time, and Supreme Court Justice have outline the limitations that go with it for Americans to have a better understanding of the restrictions and regulations under the First Amendment.

First Amendment is an important clause created to truly follow American ideals to the fullest. The first thing to address how it protects people of all types of religions, it prohibits the government to establish a state religion and then enforce it on its citizens to believe it.

Without this clause, the government can force participation in certain religions, and then punish anyone who does not obey to the faith chosen. The clause limits and prohibits the congress to regulate people’s religion, it is not generally accepted, but minority groups with different religions can practice their faith and not be subject to any disciplinary action for doing so. People can practice their religion freely, and the government cannot enforce a law prohibiting the exercise of this religion. The First Amendment also guarantees the right of the press, freedom to assemble, and the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances. The freedom of press means our media outlets cannot be censored by our government. The government does not have the power to block or have control over what they put in the media. It allows citizens and the media to have freedom to assembly without having a fear of being punished by the government. For example, Occupy Wall Street Movement could happen because of the mere fact that first amendment was created, citizens have the right to protest.

There are cases in the past that use first amendment to win the cases. The court case Schenck v. United States regarding the first amendments freedom of speech. This case involved the Espionage Act, which was enacted during World War I. The Espionage Act stated that during wartime interfering with the draft and trying to make soldiers disloyal to the country or disobedient was a crime. After the Act was passed almost 2000 people were accused of violating this law and were put on trial.

Mr. Charles Scheneck was against the war and to protest he distributed thousands of pamphlets to persons who had been drafted. The pamphlets said that the government had no right to send U.S. citizens to other countries to kill people. The government charged Schenck with violating the Espionage Act and said that Schenck’s pamphlets were intended to weaken the loyalty of soldiers and to obstruct military recruiting. Schenck said that the Espionage Act was unconstitutional. He said that the charges against him broke the First Amendment’s promise that “”Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.””

The First Amendment was created so that Americans would have the freedom to express themselves without having to worry about the government interfering with these expressions. It grants citizens the right to say what they need to say, associate with others, and practice their own religion without having to worry about being arrested or persecuted for it. The First Amendment was created to protect the freedoms of the American people.

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The Bill of Rights and Constitution. (2020, Mar 10). Retrieved from