Soil Analysis Can Stand to Benefit

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Cattle and other grazing animals are often either let free to graze wherever they please or they are cordoned off of sections one by one. Ranchers can possibly use AI to learn what sections of their fields have the most nutritious grass and where they should section off their animals to allow the animals to get the most grazing out of the field. Ranchers may also want to use AI to learn what the grass may need in order for more of it to grow to feed the livestock.

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Benefitting the grass will benefit the animals which will ultimately benefit the rancher.
One last point to discuss is the importance of drones equipped with AI capabilities.

Drones with the ability to fly and have cameras attached to them are capable of doing many things on farms that are already done. The drones will be completing tasks that already exist on the farm and even new jobs. Many people when they hear the word drone immediately think of the drones the United States uses in combat in the Middle East and other occupations. The drones used on farms will not be nearly as large but will be able to complete tasks very similar to ones used by the military of the United States.

Drones will be able to perform precise crop dusting on a farms whole crop. This will not require a farmer to own a plane to perform the crop dust themselves or outsource hiring someone else to crop dust their fields for them. Crop dusting can prove to be very expensive and drones can easily cut down on the use of herbicides and pesticides with their accuracy. Normally crop dusting with planes will fly over the fields dumping mass amounts of the pesticides and herbicides. Drones will be much smaller than planes, and equipped with less pesticides and herbicides at one time allowing for less waste of the chemicals. The drones will be able to identify flying patterns combined with vision recognition technology that will allow it to recognize plants that need fertilizer or any supplementary chemicals.

Having such big fields with many different crops, it can prove difficult to monitor every corner of a farmers yield. Problems can occur that will spread like a disease for example if not treated immediately. Drones have the ability to fly up high into the sky providing an overview of the field. Drones are being equipped with technology that can detect when a plant is stressed out or possibly dying (agricultural-drones). Farmers will be able to figure out where problems are occuring on their farm and accordingly address them. Having a problem is a bad thing, not knowing that one has a problem is even more dangerous especially in a long-term scenario like the agriculture business. These benefits dont really have any discernible pitfalls as there is no other way to successfully analyze a farmers crop like this any other way.

Setting up drones to monitor a field will help farmers prevent things like a gopher possibly taking plant material. Crows might be eating the corn in a specific acre and the farmer will have the information to setup preventive devices like scarecrows or boomers to scare away crows or turkeys that are eating the food. These things exactly arent giant problem for farmers on a large scale but it is merely another thing that AI can help make farming and agriculture a easier environment to effectively work in.

Soil Analysis can stand to benefit from AI and drones like many other things as well. When a drone flies up to monitor a field it can use sensors in the camera to detect how most the soil is for example. Farmers have to worry about many properties of the environment in which they are growing plants, because plant based life is very fragile. AI in drones can help farmers plan out where to plant seeds using drones to detect these requirements. Properties such as soil pH, salinity, and texture, as well as slope, H‚‚O availability, and erosion hazard can be estimated based on the mapping results. (seeding-rate-optimization) Planning for several seasons of growing possibly several types of crops requires months of planning in advance. This data can help farmers make plans or adjustments according to the data a drone may report.
The use of drones is huge for farmers.

This is because drones arent very expensive compared to most of the machines used on a typical farm like a tractor or a crop dusting plane, moreover, theyre relatively easy to use the operator is free to walk away and do other things while processing happens in the background; theres no need to invest in pricey hardware or software; and, users are always benefiting from the latest release and the newest reports (agricultural-drones). While a drone is surveying an area of a farm the farmer can started working on other things at hand. A farmer typically wouldnt want to go out and survey their field themselves if they could have an intelligent robot analyze it for them, then report back to them so they can decide what to do with the information. Drones will have to learn and will take a while to learn through image learning. But the algorithm will learn what exactly a disease looks like, or what a specific plant looks like and once they learn how to identify the data they will be faster and better than even a trained human eye.


In summary AI has a countless amount of benefits and positive impacts on agriculture all over the world. Not only will highly developed countries like the United States and Europe greatly benefit, developing countries will also be benefitted. Many of todays practices in farming and ranching are inefficient and could be improved. Thats where AI comes in. AI will slipstream many rudimentary jobs that required a non-skill required job to be existent. These days are being left behind with AI making many aspects of agriculture more efficient.

AI will allow the use of chemicals pesticides and herbicides to not be as wasteful as the process is right now. AI will manipulate drones or machinery to perform concise and accurate spraying of chemicals on food. This will save farmers an exorbitant amount of money and be a more eco friendly route. AI will also increase the proficiency in terms of when produce is done growing and it is time to harvest. AI can learn to delicately and meticulously harvest produce and can probably do the work better and faster than a person.
Another point is that AI will most likely make a better job environment for everybody. Picking fruit or vegetables takes a long time to do effectively and is hard work. There also are not many people who want to do these jobs. Implementing AI will eliminate many low paying jobs but will open spaces for work that requires an education and will in turn pay better. AI will make the agriculture a more interesting and economically competitive business. In the current environment the agriculture business is very hard to get started in. This is because it requires entrepreneur that is very skilled and experienced in the area. AI will form somewhat of a reliance on technology but the benefits outshine the reliance because the field of work will become more accessible.

The benefits of AI doesn’t stop there. AI gives farmers and ranchers a lot of insight through relatively easy to use programs. AI can learn to predict patterns called predictive analysis. The machine can make inferences from looking at a crop and determine how much money is going to be made off of a seasons worth of work for example. The possibilities expand to determining what crop to plant, where to plant, and what types of herbicides and pesticides to use.

Additionally AI can be used in ranching with pigs, cows and sheep to name a few. AI devices can learn to identify each animal as an individual and learn the habits, health conditions and diets are. Farmers can use this information to better treat their livestock and better utilize the animal for its goods provided. This technology is akin to the plant side of AIs implementation, with the devices reporting how the animal is doing and allowing for the farmer to make their own decisions based on the given information.
Lastly, the application of drones with AI in agriculture is enormous. Farmers can apply almost all of the previously stated applications to drones. Drones can fly and move around freely to monitor soil and crop health, or monitor how a cow or pig is doing. Drones are extremely flexible in their application also being able to spray a sick plant that needs a herbicide or spray a slow growing plant with fertilizer.

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Soil Analysis Can Stand To Benefit. (2019, Oct 16). Retrieved from