Questions before Filing for Divorce

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Are you contemplating divorce? Be prepared to face emotions that you didn’t think you would have. While dealing with the emotions, be sure that you are also getting prepared for the actual divorce and life afterward. Here are the most important questions to ask yourself before scheduling a consultation with our Orlando Divorce Attorney.

Is Divorce the Right Option?

Once you tell your spouse that you want a divorce and actually start the process, it is almost impossible to go back and repair your relationship.

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Think about seeking marriage or individual counseling to help with the issues you are facing as a couple. Of course if you are in an abusive or dangerous situation, seek assistance from an Orlando Divorce Attorney to help keep your family safe.

Where Will You Will Live?

One important consideration before beginning a divorce is where will you live? Do you intend to stay in the family home, or will you have to seek alternative living arrangements? Are you financially and logistically able to do so?

Who will retain custody of your Children?

Are you willing and able to take custody of your children? Children need stability, would you be able to provide a stable environment without the support of your spouse? Some other issues to consider in addition to custody will be the paying or receiving of child support, and the creation of a parenting plan to ensure fair visitation for both parties. Your Orlando Child Custody Attorney can help you to craft a plan that will be beneficial to all parties.

How Difficult Will it Be to Separate Your Assets and Liabilities?

For most couples, dividing assets and debts can be difficult. Before approaching your spouse, you should have a full understanding of both your joint and individual financial standing to be aware of what is at stake financially.

Will you be able to work collaboratively with your spouse?

If you feel that you can work cooperatively with your spouse during the divorce process, you can utilize the mediation process so that you can work together to create solutions that could be beneficial to both parties.

Have You Spoken to an Orlando Divorce Attorney?

If you have not had an initial consultation with an attorney, do so in order to get your questions answered and be sure that you are not traveling down the wrong path. Contact our Orlando Divorce Attorney today.

If you have not yet consulted with a divorce attorney, please do no as soon as possible. You should not go through this process alone. At Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, our family law team has extensive experience handling divorce cases in Central Florida. To learn more about what we can do for you and your family, please call our Orlando office today at 407-521-7171 to request a fully confidential initial family law consultation.

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Questions Before Filing for Divorce. (2019, Dec 27). Retrieved from