Pecularities of Federal Foster Program

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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The law allows states to provide such services to young people who are likely to be out of foster care (with no lower age limit), young people who are out of care and young people 16 years of age or older who have left foster care for parentage or adoption. The CFCIP requires states to ensure that young people in independent living programs directly participate in the design of their own program activities to prepare them for independent living and also to accept personal responsibility for living up to their part of the programme.

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Other protections require states to ensure that young people 14 years of age and older are consulted on the development and revision of their case plan and permanency plan and that the case plan contains a document listing certain rights for these young people. Under the federal foster care programme, Member States may seek reimbursement for young people up to 21 years of age. The federal government recognizes that older adolescents and older adults are vulnerable to negative outcomes and can ultimately return to state care as adults, either through public welfare, criminal justice or other systems.

Federal law authorizes funding for states and local jurisdictions to provide support and housing for elderly people to promote care-emancipating young people and young people. While many young people have access to emotional and financial support systems throughout their early adulthood, older adults in foster care and those emancipated from care often face obstacles to the development of independent living skills and supports that facilitate the transition to adult education.

Furthermore, the federal foster program provides some protection for older young people. In addition to the CFCIP, other federal programs are designed to help young and old in foster care move to adulthood. Older adolescents returning to their parents or guardians may still have poor family dynamics or lack of support.

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Pecularities Of Federal Foster Program. (2019, Jun 28). Retrieved from