Online Shopping Issues

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Updated: Aug 15, 2023
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The study assessed commonly occuring issues regarding selling and purchasing of goods online. It sought to apprehend Pakistani attitude about online shopping, it also encompasses their observable behavior that correlates to the online marketing world. Foreordained factors alter to shopper’s dependability to online grocery, it includes the quality of the products availed, shipping expenditure, shopper’s convenience, the risk involved and social media platform. With regards to the mention proportion, it show that the underlying issues constituting online shopping is the high level of risk that is involved in purchasing goods.

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From the study done by Saleem ., et al, 2017, it is highly conceivable that consumer lacks trust and the willingness to indulge in online marketing due to higher level of risk that stimulates with in the selling platform. Other factor that greatly affect consumer’s perception about online marketing is the cost of online service that includes the retail price and shipping expenditure. Some buyers are reluctant in investing large amount of money into purchasing the produce.

Younger generation find themselves delighted by the occurrence of this selling platform whereas those people who are not totally acquainted with the system are relatively hesitant and some are even susceptible to the thought of it.

The study was conducted in the industrialized city of Karachi-one of Pakistan’s hub for booming economy and industry. Sample size includes 90 purposively selected individual ages 18 and above who have experience in online shopping.

Data gathering procedure includes the using of snowball with the help of purposive sampling techniques in which previous data are magnetized and later on converges into a single thought to create an intact thought that builds a chain of inclusive findings. Standard questionnaires are distributed to the respondents and later on three-pronged into structured analysis that will constitute the target findings.

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Online shopping issues. (2020, Mar 04). Retrieved from