Modern Plague Vs Schizophrenia

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Although the cause is unknown, this mental illness can be developed through factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, brain abnormality and environmental factors.”” Schizophrenia affects more than 21 million people worldwide. Scientists are still unable to locate the cause of this disorder. Symptoms of this disorder include hallucinations, abnormal behavior, inability to complete activities, lack of pleasure, and emotional flatness. Although a cure has not yet been discovered, treatments may help. Even though the cause is unknown and the disease can have severe side effects, scientists use this to recive a better understanding of the human brain.

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Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, talk properly, and behave normal that affects anyone at any age but mainly occurs ages 10-30. The term “”schizophrenia”” has been used for less than 100 years. The word “”schizophrenia”” comes from the Greek roots schizo, which means to split, and phrene, which means mind. Many people think schizophrenia mean “”split personalities.”” In 1877, Dr. Emile Kraepelin identified the disorder as a mental illness. Scientists believe that this illness has been around since the beginning of mankind. Through detailed studies, scientists have found traces of schizophrenia from the old Pharaonic Egypt. It was not until 1911 when Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler, officially named the mental illness “”schizophrenia””.

In order for someone to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, they must show the basic symptoms for at least 6 months and show decreasing of simple life function. Symptoms include the following hallucinations, abnormal behavior, inability to complete activities, lack of pleasure, emotional flatness, lack of expression, Treatments vary based on a patients conditions but the most common drug is an antipsychotic or anti tremor. While taking these medications, victims of the disease may experience some side effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, decreased sexual desire, and stiff muscles. The most dangerous and worst side effect of taking schizophrenic medications is Tardive Dyskinesia. Tardive Dyskinesia is when an individual experiences facial movement and sometimes jerking or twisting of certain body parts. Even though this certain side effect is the most dangerous, only about 10 to 20 percent of people who have taken antipsychotics are affected by this side effect.

Schizophrenia is divided into three main symptom categories. Positive, negative, and cognitive. Positive symptoms refer to the people who perform psychotic behaviors. People with positive symptoms are more likely to be cut off from reality. Some positive symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and odd body movements. The second category is negative symptoms. Negative symptoms affect one’s’ everyday behavior and emotions. Some of these include no presence of emotion, decreasing feelings of pleasure in life, and difficulty completing basic everyday activities. The third and final cagey is cognitive symptoms, symptoms that can alter the memory of a victim, these symptoms are more severe than the others. Poor decision making, paying little to no attention, unable to understand information, and trouble using things that are just taught are some of the cognitive symptoms. Thought these symptoms, it may be easier for a doctor to diagnose someone with the correct type of schizophrenia.

There are five types of schizophrenia: disorganized, paranoid, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual. Disorganized schizophrenia means that the patients will experience jumbled thoughts and behaviors. This type affects a person’s ability to complete basic needs such as washing, keeping up with personal hygiene and even preparing meals. The second type of schizophrenia that is recognized is schizoaffective. Someone who has schizoaffective will most likely have symptoms such as mood swings, hallutions, delusions, and depression. In order to be diagnosed with schizoaffective schizophrenia, a patient must have experienced mood disorders for the majority of the time since showing psychotic symptoms. Next, paranoid schizophrenia is a patient constantly believing false accusations that a family member or close friend is planning to harm them in some way. If diagnosed with, they experience delusions. Due to the fact that they continually believe that someone is plotting against them, they are always thinking of ways to protect themselves. Catatonic schizophrenia consists of extreme behaviors. People diagnosed with catatonic demonstrate a dramatic reduction in activity, where the patient cannot speak, move or respond. All movements stop. Since the fact that catatonic appears in other disorders as well, such as bipolar disorder, it technically classifies as a specified for schizophrenia rather than a type. Residual schizophrenia occurs when the patient does not go through delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or disorganized or catatonic behaviors. However, they do experience at least two of the negative symptoms as a lesser extent. The fifth and final type is undifferentiated schizophrenia. With this type, patients do not experience catatonic, paranoid, or disorganized symptoms. Instead, they experience significant delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or disorganized or catatonic behavior.

To cope with the burden of suffering from schizophrenia, patients have the option to go to therapy and support groups. Loren Booda, 49, was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 19. Booda has said that support groups help with the challenges and obstacles that schizophrenia brings to an individual. Booda says she had to make the decision to either go to a support group or stay home and watch tv all day. Loren describes the groups a “”social outlet.”” Booda explains what the groups being for participants, “”We confront a whole bunch of disparate elements of schizophrenia, such as drug abuse, overeating, and emotional problems. A mental health support group covers all of the functions that would take four or five specialized groups to cover.”” Loren started to go to support groups in the mid 1980s. In support groups, people are given three minutes to express their feelings and obstacles about that specific day. Overall, support groups play a key role in a schizophrenics’ life.

With the cause of this mental disorder still unknown, scientists still use this disorder to their advantage. The develop a better understanding of the human brain through studies of symptoms that schizophrenics have and their overall behaviors. Throughout history, schizophrenia has been interpreted in many ways. In addition to this, it has had many different names and meanings. There are multiple types, treatments, medications, for schizophrenia. A way a lot of patients cope with their disorder is going to support groups. There is no exact cure for schizophrenia but treatment such as antipsychotics and anti tremors help with controlling symptoms when they become too severe.

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Modern Plague vs Schizophrenia. (2019, Oct 22). Retrieved from