Job Analysis and Job Advertisement

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Job evaluation and job analysis play a significant role in the Human Resource Management in any organization. These two concepts have facts pertaining two very distinct aspects of a job. They enable an individual to know the different responsibilities and roles connected with a job and if the job is worth in contrasts with other jobs. It also helps one to understand if a specific job requirements meet an individual’s qualifications.Job Analysis It is a portion of every program of job evaluation but it literally precedes job evaluation.

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It is very important to rank it in the job hierarchy which is the objective of job evaluation. It is simply the process collection/gathering of data and information about a certain or specific job which enables an individual to successfully indulge in job specifications and its descriptions. It is also significant from the prospective employees’ point of view.

It provides an individual with details on how to perform the job like the qualifications needed, the skills required, experience, the mental and physical demands, education, the working conditions and the various responsibilities associated.Job DescriptionInside an organization, there are many jobs and they are ranked in relation to their relative significance. In job evaluation, jobs are ranked according to their content and not the individuals who are holding the position.

The aim for every program of job evaluation should be documented well so that to reduce untoward bias during the evaluation of jobs. Deciding of perks and wages associated with distinct organizational jobs is done when the program is in its final stages.Comparisons between Job Analysis and Job DescriptionJob analysis is executed first is the foundation in which job evaluation is built. Job analysis techniques can either be done in written form or orally, for example, interviews, questionnaires, surveys, checklist etc. while that of job evaluation is only created in written format and use of the analytical and non-analytical system. Job analysis is a comprehensive process while job evaluation is a comparative process or statement.

The objectives of job evaluation are to find out and implement a justified and an equitable organization’s wage system while that of job analysis is to create the current techniques and methods of doing a job i.e. preparation of a job specification and job evaluation. Job analysis aid in performance appraisal, recruitment, and selection, compensation, training and development, etc. on the other hand, Job evaluation aids in eliminating wage system’s inequalities by creating a comparative analysis of every job By creating an internally consistent compensation system, job analysis and job evaluation build on the value of equity which is earned by investing or providing a valuable item. When the return of equity is equivalent given investment, fairness will be achieved.

In addition to, the compensation provided should match with the value of job performed. This ensures that personal, internal and external equity is achieved. The process of job analysis, descriptions, and evaluations also ensures that the pay system in an organization is understandable, equitable, externally competitive and legally defensive.

Job advertisement fast food company based in Africa that deals with chicken and french fries. It is a well established company with a hundred outlets all over East Africa and is in the process of expanding into Central Africa. It is the leading fast food company in East Africa and for that reason it is look forward to hire a new financial manager who is ready to work in collaboration with the current one. The holder of this position will also be expected to cooperate with other workers in order to realize the goals and the vision of the company. The holder of this position will be directly reporting to the Managing Director and will be incharge of sales finances.

He or she will also be in charge of the sales team in guiding them as they work to realize the goals of the company and maintaining the good reputation the company enjoys.

This job position will involve ensuring that there is regular and adequate funds for use by those who are concerned, ensure that the funds which are procured are well utilized without wastage, also ensure that the funds are safely invested and be able to maintain a sound debt and equity capital. Supervisory responsibilityThe holder of this position will be directly answerable to the managing director of the company. He or she will also have an assistant who will be reporting to the holder of this position and he or she will be responsible for sales team.


Should have past experience as a financial manager with at least three years working experience or having worked as an assistant financial manager for at least six years. The applicant should at least be a holder of masters degree in financial management or work equivalent experience. Must have excellent managerial skills and be able to communicate fluently either verbally or written.

Estimating the capital requirements of the company Disposing the surplus funds correctly.Controlling all the financial matters. Managing the cash flow. Investing the companys funds.  Allocating funds properly.  Raising of funds for the company.Decision making. Determining the budget of the company. Ensuring that the company makes profit. Determining when the company should borrow money and from where.

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Job Analysis and Job Advertisement. (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from