The Isis Cult: Divine Roles and Beliefs Throughout History

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In prayers, there is always diverse types of beliefs. In the excerpt about the prayer of Isis, the worshippers believe in the Goddess of Isis the way in which she is truly responsible for everything that is good. From the reading the worshipper speaks of “you rotate the earth, light the sun, rule the universe, and tread Tartarus beneath your heel. Showing that people who believe in the Goddess Isis believe her to be responsible for anything that occurs including things that people don’t normally understand how something occurs such as rotating the earth.

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Many years ago, people believed in divine powers, to this day divine power is still a strong belief that people all over the world believe in. According to the Yale Center for Faith and Culture “It is obvious that human life will wither rather than flourish without the possession of exercise of power.” Clear reasoning as to why people believing in divine powers had lasted a long time. In accordance to the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard University, “she represents the agricultural productivity that results from the yearly Nile flood” referring to the Goddess Isis showing that she is meant to represent many things to represent in things that the people are blessed about.

I believe that people’s belief in divine powers is to help them understand and be grateful for things. From the Columbia University Press, it is said that “In the views of most believers and critics, religion is essentially connected to the existence of a supernatural deity.” People believing in the supernatural is to show that divine powers are so powerful that anything can happen to help out the people who are believing.

Work Cited

“Good Power: Divine and Human” Miroslav Volf | Yale Center for Faith and Culture, Yale University, 5 Oct. 2007,

Jones, Prudence J. “Isis.” Gregory Nagy, The Epic Hero, Harvard University, 2006,

Cahn, Steven M. “Religion Within Reason.” Religion Within Reason, Columbia University Press, Mar. 2017,

“Reading 15.1.” The Humanistic Tradition , by Gloria K Fiero, 7th ed., I, McGraw-Hill College, 2005, pp. 185. Prehistory to the Early Modern World.

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The Isis Cult: Divine Roles and Beliefs Throughout History. (2019, Apr 29). Retrieved from