Is Instagram Really that Bad

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, and other types of social media have become a tremendous part of our lives. Social media takes a big role in society today as we know it whether it be good or bad. Instagram is a well known social media platform used by millions of people daily. Instagram is a photo and video sharing app along with live streaming, 24 hour stories, video and direct messaging. Instagram is not as bad as it is panned out to be. Instagram can be a source to spread your life perspective by showing your memories or funny moments, it can help you raise your business industry, and popularity with the app also including viewing updated news and funny content.

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Instagram is a free, user friendly with a press of a few buttons pictures and videos can be uploaded to your 24 hour story and feed along with livestreaming features that can be shared to friends and family and the world. Instagram account privacy features consists of private or public accounts. People can connect at any distances in seconds through direct messaging for free compared to phone calls. Instagram serves many functions for ones social life. With Instagram introducing the new business account system, many entrepreneurs have been increasing their products or events they have been sharing to the public. This system makes it easier for people to share their ideas and products by taking pictures and posting them where hundreds, thousands and even millions of people can see them. Instagram is a great way to promote your business.

Instagram could also help you with organizing your business account by showing numbers of people who have followed you within the week, how many people looked at your profile, and even showing the different percentage of the gender who is following you. It can even get you in touch with customers easier by you putting your phone number or email in your account bio sothey can just touch one button to contact you. It’s a faster and easier process so they don’t have to find and ask you for your number or email. It’s such a helpful and easier system Instagram can keep people updated with the latest news and also entertain people. Large news platforms can blast their news alerts into people’s feeds, along with updates. Benefits Instagram can serve is not only the news but also educational content for users. Instagram is not only a place of gossip, memes and etc., but can serve as educational help and keeping people up to date with the latest news. With all these different types of social media of course there will be “oldtimers” that will say Instagram is bad due to cyberbullying and the unproven fact that it messes with your mental health, but that isn’t the case. Instagram is a place for people to express themselves freely and have a different way to communicate with their friends and family.

Among all these ridiculous claims that Instagram is overall bad to coexist with, Instagram is a tool, an extremely useful piece of technological utility that, if used wisely, can improve everyday life in a multitude of different ways like sharing things with family and friends, helping publicize important or community events, or even for personal gain in some situations. Instagram ,whether you enjoy it or not, makes its presents an impactful one with the potential it has to change lives.

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Is Instagram really that bad. (2019, Apr 07). Retrieved from