Infrastructure Resilience Planning

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Updated: Aug 21, 2023
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A significant number of nations have more efficient governments, which have the advantage of achieving higher levels of economic growth compared to other states. This is accomplished through obtaining better credit ratings and attracting more investors who offer high-quality services, thereby putting foreign aid resources to better use.

In recent years, climate change in Canada has provided insight into what building infrastructure across the entire country means. Notably, floods affect the management and road system, thus threatening the integrity of the building infrastructure in Canada.

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The current Canadian federal government has significantly influenced the delivery of adequate national infrastructure resilience (O’Sullivan, 240).

The first approach of the Canadian government is the responsibility for the resilience of critical infrastructure, which lies within the operators. Through the Canadian government, regulators and industries have been working together to ensure that any infrastructural investment considers the needs for security and resilience. Therefore, Canadians have significantly influenced the effectiveness of national infrastructure resilience. Moreover, the Canadian federal government also ensures that the transportation system strengthens the merging of various regions affected by the global trend. It provides international competition leakage (O’Sullivan, 240).

Chiefly, both Canada and the United States had a similar purpose of strengthening security and their resilience through establishing a border approach to critical infrastructure resilience. Therefore, for efficient development of resilient infrastructure, Canada and the United States have guided the regional approaches cross-border. Moreover, both countries are heavily investing in each other. The US invests most heavily in Canadian mining, and Canada invests most heavily in finance and insurance. Thus, these countries are significantly influencing resilient infrastructure development (O’Sullivan, 240).

In conclusion, the use of local resources and knowledge has enabled Canada, along with the US and the UK, to develop resilient infrastructure. Notably, a considerable number of societies across nations depend primarily on the proper functioning of the infrastructure system.
Work Cited
O’Sullivan, Tracey L., et al. “Unraveling the Complexities of Disaster Management: A Framework for Critical Social Infrastructure to Promote Population Health and Resilience.” Social Science & Medicine 93 (2013): 238-246.

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Infrastructure resilience planning. (2019, Aug 26). Retrieved from