Individual Life Insurance

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A company’s cultural beliefs and work environment greatly affects employees. When a company embraces diversity, employees and the business benefit immensely. This benefit is then reflected to the client though customer service and by the good or services provided. Today, Americans have the option of choosing from a wide array of insurance carriers for life, health, and car insurance. It is through a company’s organizational culture that customers will decide what organization their policy will be obtained with.

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company, also referred to as Globe Life or Globe, has become a prominent insurance company in the United States.

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The company was created by two friends named, Ralph Reece and John Singletary in 1951, in the state of Oklahoma (Rose, 2018). The company is licensed in forty-nine states to provide both life and supplemental health insurance (Rose, 2018). Globe Life was initially created with only $60,000 in borrowed capital, but today possess more than $69 billions of insurance in force (Rose, 2018). The company is now a solely owned subsidiary of the Torchmark Corporation.

Globe Life is the largest issuer of individual life insurance policies, with number of policies being more than 3.9 million (Rose, 2018). The company utilizes both direct mail, online marketing, and call-centers as techniques to target their intended market of middle-income Americans. Globe Life’s corporate office is located in McKinney, Texas. Other offices are located in California, Ohio, Alabama, and Oklahoma. Bill Leavell is both the president and CEO for the company since 2013 (Rose, 2018).

The company has consistently received high business ratings. Globe Life has been awarded a superior rating by A.M. Best Company, an independent insurance analyst, based on an analysis of financial strength, integrity, and management skills (Rose, 2018). The insurance company has also received the highest rating possible from the Better Business Bureau (Rose, 2018).

The products offered by the company are term life, whole life, accidental death, children’s life, Medicare supplemental, and even auto insurance. For almost twenty years, the same management team has been employed by Globe Life; the experience the team possess assures quality service to customers with the use of up to date technology (“Torchmark Corporation’s Mission,” 2018). According to Torchmark Corporation (2018), the company’s mission is to help working-class families secure financial protection from adverse circumstance.

A personal interview was conducted with a life insurance sales agent who has worked for Globe Life since 2014. J.P. Avila claims that Globe Life is a fast paced, call-center environment (personal communication, November 20, 2018). Mr. Avila expressed that though the calls are consistently coming through the queue, he feels it’s relaxed with both attire and management (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). He described the office as being a building with one large room full of cubicles, one next to another. Mr. Avila advised that music is not played due to both sales agents and customer service representatives having to have professional conversations with customers constantly (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018).

During the interview, Mr. Avila expressed that both the manager and director have a laissez-faire approach to their management style (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). He did advise, if someone is not completing their job appropriately, management will become involved to assist the employee and provide structure when necessary (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). Mr. Avila stated that though management allows employees to complete their daily tasks with little intervention, he feels the managers are easily accessible for help or advice to increase sales numbers (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018).

When Mr. Avila was questioned regarding incentives, he stated that annual evaluations were completed for sales employees, but no increase in pay is offered due to the position being commission based (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). He also advised that there is healthy competitiveness between the sales agents for the most applications daily and card information on file for bank-drafted payments; as well as, Globe Life provides cash incentives for hitting a certain amount of applications each day and provides tickets to events for well-performing staff (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). Mr. Avila expressed that he feels diversity is embraced at his employer by both the company and management (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018). He did also express that he felt the technology could be updated, due to the use of an older system to process payments (J.P. Avila, personal communication, November 20, 2018).

Globe Life is a goal-oriented organization who sells policies to customers for either life or supplemental health insurance. It is externally driven to satisfy customer requirements when obtaining life insurance. The culture can be described as easygoing, for both environment and managerial style. Globe life has become a professional organization, in which employees are determined by job title. Cultural diversity is embraced and provides an open environment for employees. The company’s focus is work-orientated to satisfy customer needs and sell policies.

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Individual life insurance. (2019, Jun 02). Retrieved from