Increase of Child Labor

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Industrial Revolution

Due to the increase of child labor and the improvement in transportation, society during and after the Industrial Revolution was a mixed legacy. Many new things started during this time period. Child labor was a negative effect on society, whereas transportation was a positive effect. Many of the new things that happened during the Industrial Revolution set the foundations higher for modern society as a whole.
The Industrial Revolution called for a higher work ethic and the will to work hard in any given condition.

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New foods were discovered, such as potatoes, which fed families well. This allowed kids to grow stronger and healthier than ever before. Although this may seem like a positive thing, the outcome of stronger children gave business owners the idea that everyone had the strength to work. This created the idea of child labor. Because of the advancement in industries, many people began moving to urban cities to work (Stearns). This time period was a source of vast economic, social, and cultural changes (Stearns).

Over time came more and more advancements which required more strict work schedules. Children as young as six were put to work in mines and factories where they put in long hours for very low wages (Stearns). Children should not be put into intense labor work. They should be getting an education and be able to play, just be a kid. Reference to child labor forces a consideration of some of the unfortunate aspects of the Industrial Revolution (Stearns). What the author Peter N. Stearns is saying is that working long, as a child especially, was very brutal at the time considering the conditions they worked in. Many injuries and diseases were caused because of the conditions as well (OpenLearn EDU). Child labor should have never been a reality, therefore was a negative impact on society during the Industrial Revolution.

With all of the new products being produced, more advancements followed. Machines and technology were booming. Although the Industrial Revolution is sometimes thought to have been the creation of the steam engine, in actual fact the majority of mechanized operations were powered by waterwheels and water turbines (Stearns). The discoveries for transportation greatly improved during this time period. More sources of power began to be discovered. Steam engines made a long-distance transportation possible (Stearns). This allowed trading outside of the country possible and easier, expanding allies, money, and power. Improvements in inland waterways in conjunction with canals came as well. Railroads greatly enlarged the size of the market served by individual firms. This in turn stimulated the growth of individual enterprises and attendant economics of scale (Stearns).

What this means is the expansion in railroads contributed to the expansion in the economy as a whole; money, power, trade, power, land, and urbanization. According to one famous assessment, Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine to science’ (Stearns). What Peter Stearns was trying to say is that the advancement of transportation improved science as a whole for the future. The study of science gave engineers new ideas for transportation vehicles, but the things that those engineers learned from the failed or successful functions of those vehicles improved their understanding of science. More began looking into ways chemicals and pressure work after transportation, relating to or connecting to health (Stearns).

This quote further explains the positive impact that the advancement of transportation had on society during the Industrial Revolution. Overall, knowledge gained from experimenting with chemicals used with transportation later connected to further knowledge about vehicles, as well as information doctors could use.
The Industrial Revolution had both a positive and negative effect on society and the future (modern times). The force of child labor lowered the advancement of society. Advancements in technology and doctor research came from the positivities found in transportation. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution was a mixed legacy.

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Increase Of Child Labor. (2020, Apr 23). Retrieved from