Identifying the Role of Leadership

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Three officers Darryl Forrest, Jeffrey Bell, and Dustin Sillings, working with the Selective Crime Occurrence Reduction Enforcement (SCORE) unit of the Kansas City, Kansas (KCK) Police Department were indicted in July 2011. They were charged with stealing money as well as personal property in the homesteads where they were serving search warrants (KCTV5 News, 2011). By doing so, they violated the people’s constitutional freedom from unreasonable searches, seizures, and deprivation of property with no due process by acting under color law (KCTV5 News, 2012).

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The three were also charged with stealing property belonging to the government during a sting operation surveillance (Office, 2011).

The principal function of the SCORE unit is to augment patrol operations they are expected to use patrol and surveillance to reduce violent crime (SCORE Unit, 2015). The public has trusted them with their safety, perhaps that is why it was so easy for the officers to carry out their crimes (New Details Arise About Sting That Busted KCK Officers, 2011).

The leaders of the SCORE unit and the KCK Police Department at large have the responsibility to assess their officer’s ability and integrity concerning their work they should not be in the dark about what they are doing, especially if they are committing crimes The department failed to detect the officers unethical behaviors early enough. The system also was unable to maintain a good relationship between the department and the community that trusts them with their lives and safety. They should have been able to catch and punish them without involving the FBI to show their commitment to the community which they serve (KCTV5 News, 2012).

Ethics are essential for any individual, profession, or the overall criminal justice system. In my practices, ethics are critical because my actions affect not only me but also others around me. The security profession requires complete ethical behavior to be able to deliver to the community because their lives and safety is involved. Lastly, ethics provide the criminal justice system a guideline on how to judge behaviors and practices of individuals and professions.


(2012, January 31). Retrieved from KCTV5 News:

KCTV5 News.(2011, July 30). Retrieved from Three members of KCK Police Department’s SWAT Team indicted: Details Arise About Sting That Busted KCK Officers.

(2011). Retrieved from KCTV5 News:

Office, u. A. (2011, July 18). FBI- Kansas City, Kansas Police Officers Charged with Thefts While Serving Search Warrants. Retrieved from The FBI:

SCORE Unit. (2015, February 15). Retrieved from Kansas City, Kansas Police Department:

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Identifying the Role of Leadership. (2019, Apr 06). Retrieved from