IDDM: Pathophysiology and Pre-hospital Management

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IDDM: Pathophysiology and Pre-hospital Management

Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), also known as Type 1 Diabetes, is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks the pancreas’s insulin-producing beta cells. This leads to an absence of insulin, which is essential for glucose metabolism. In pre-hospital settings, swift identification and management, such as checking blood sugar levels and administering insulin, are crucial to prevent complications. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Diabetes topic.

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Diabetes mellitus is a global problem facing various populations. As such, many victims tend to appreciate the underlying treatment prescribed by doctors to reduce its effects. There exist two categories of diabetes that includes types 1 and type 2 covered in  film. The movie  shows that type 1 diabetes is insulin-related and when the body cells are unable to absorb glucose in the presence of insulin to produce energy. Type 2 diabetes is non-dependent on insulin and can develop at any age, but most dominant during adulthood.

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Therefore, this paper concentrates on the pathos and physiology surrounding Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDM) as well as its causes.

Pathos and Physiology regarding IDMIDM occurs due to the immune system attacking and killing the beta cells of the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin, a condition known as an autoimmune process highlighted in  caption. Consequently, no, or little insulin is released into the body, a situation resulting to bet cell deficiency, which also leads to complete insulin insufficiency.

Thus, the disease is known as autoimmune illness in case of the existence of anti-insulin or anti-islet cell antibodies available in the blood stream as highlighted below. In, the glucose accumulates in the blood instead of being used as energy, which causes lymphocytic intrusion and destruction of the pancreatic islets. The autoimmune conditions related to this disease entail vitiligo and hypothyroidism.

During the development of this disease, the long-term complications invariably occur at some level in all patients and which includes retinopathy, impulsive atherosclerosis, neuropathy, and nephropathy that can result in blindness, stroke, nerve damage, and erectile dysfunction in men. Further, the diabetes-associated complications can be very severe and even life-threatening. The molecular basis for such complications is not completely understood, but recent results obtained from animal and potential clinical studies indicate that metabolic imbalances related to poor glycemic control are a key cause of the regularity and severity of these impediments.

The disease contributes to 5-10% of all diabetes reported cases and can arise at any stage, but typically develops first in juvenile or puberty as shown in. Alternatively, pre-hospital management centers on the administration of 3-5 portions of hard candy, 2-3 sachets of sugar, a half a cup of fruit juice or administration of commercially available glucose solution should the patient experience a helpless situation but not unconscious.

Besides, the patient should be injected with glucagon, which is a hormone that helps to raise blood glucose levels quickly as indicated  in their entirety. Another pre-hospital management involves the addition of sugar to the patient by the mouth and including an intravenous glucose solution when the patient faces inadequate response within 15 minutes as shown below.

Injection practice is enshrined in   combat IDM. Moreover, the patient can be exposed to Finger-Prick Test that includes obtaining a drop of blood through pricking the finger, application of a chemically treated strip and monitoring reads and providing results as shown below:[image: ]ConclusionIDM is a deadly disease if not properly managed. The IDM happens when the immune coordination destroy beta cells of the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin, a condition known as an autoimmune process.

The pre-hospital management of IDM focuses on the administration of three to five pieces of hard candy and the patient injected with glucagon. Lastly, the management settles on the addition of sugar to the patient by the mouth and including an intravenous glucose solution when the patient faces inadequate response within 15 minutes.

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IDDM: Pathophysiology and Pre-hospital Management. (2020, Mar 11). Retrieved from