Historical Value of the Bible

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He was a poet, prose writer, theoretician of literature, philosopher and Italian political thinker. He is considered one of the most distinguished personalities in world literature, appreciated for his spirituality and intellectual depth. He is also known as “the Supreme Poet”. He was born in Florence, in the bosom of a family that belonged to the small nobility. His mother died when he was still small, and his father when he was 18 years old. The most important event of this unfortunate youth, according to his own revelation, was to know, in the year 1274, Beatriz, the woman whom he loved and exalted as the supreme symbol of divine grace, first in “La Vida Nueva” and, later, in his masterpiece, “The Divine Comedy.

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” Work that became the foundation of modern thought and ended with the assertion of the medieval understanding of the world. It is considered the greatest literary work composed in Italian and a masterpiece of universal literature.

About his education, very little is known, although his works reflect a vast erudition that included almost all the knowledge of his time. In his beginnings, the works of the philosopher and rhetorician Brunette Latini exerted a great influence on him. He actively collaborated in the political struggles of his time, for which he was exiled from the city where he was born. He was an energetic defender of Italian unity. He wrote several Latin treatises on literature, politics and philosophy. The city of Florence, in 1316, offered Dante the opportunity to return, but with the same conditions that used to be imposed on the criminals pardoned by the city authorities. The poet dismissed the proposal, objecting that he would never return unless his dignity and honor were fully restored. He continued, therefore, living in exile, and lived his last years in Ravenna, where he died on September 14, 1321. He was buried in this city, but his remains have been required for centuries by citizens of Florence, who had him reserved a burial in the church of Santa Croce.

Historically, the Bible has been important in shaping culture and organizing societies in freedom, justice and human rights. Even in our own history – America was founded on the Word of God. And when we look towards Europe, we see great cathedrals inscribed with biblical verses and biblical works. Unfortunately, this may seem ironic because now, much of our society considers the Bible irrelevant. Even among Christians, it is often revered, but not consulted. Many respect it, but they do not read it. There are still hundreds of millions of people around the world who do not have access to a Bible. One of our partners is trying to enter countries where Christians are persecuted, and to be able to provide a Bible to every believer. That is what we are doing: making sure that every believer – no matter their economic status, whatever their political situation, wherever they are in terms of technology – have a Bible available for each of them. When we work with our partners like this, we allow the Word of God to penetrate into darkness, into lives around the world.

This is the next step to make sure that the Bible is an experience that changes people’s lives. It means adapting our translations to the purposes that our partners are using them. We see this happening in places like Africa, Asia … even Europe, with the Bible accessible to a community of individuals challenged by reading and challenged by learning. It is available because Biblical makes commitment to the Bible a priority. When we give people the opportunity to understand the gospel message, they can meet Jesus Christ and be transformed. That process means that all things are possible through Christ and his Word. Biblical offers people the opportunity to know Christ through the Word of God. And that means that all things – changing our society, changing our culture, changing our world are possible.

In conclusion, the Bible addresses many basic questions of life and death, the present and the future, making it difficult to select only one theme as the main one. The students of the Bible have generally grouped the main themes covered in the Bible under two main heads. The Bible contains an evangelical message, because it is the good news of God for sinners. The gospel is the good news of God. It is not an invention or human speculation, but a divine revelation. God is the one who took the initiative to make himself known, otherwise nobody would have known him. And all the altars of the world would have the inscription: “To the unknown god”, like the one that the apostle Paul found when leaving Athens, narrated in the book of Acts Chap.

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Historical Value Of The Bible. (2019, Apr 15). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/historical-value-of-the-bible/