George Washington and Fort LeBoeuf

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Washington to Fort LeBoeuf, at what is now Waterford, Pennsylvania, to warn the French to remove themselves from land claimed by Britain. The French declined and Washington was sent back with troops. Washington’s small force attacked a French post, killing the commander, Coulon de Jumonville, and nine others. The French and Indian War began. He surrendered and was released back to Williamsburg. Washington was given the rank of colonel and joined British army in Virginia in 1755. In 1757, he was sent home with dysentary.

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In 1758, he returned on another expedition to Fort Duquesne. He eventually conquered, but in 1778, resigned and took care of home life.

Washington opposed the Stamp Act of 1765, and although he did not take a leading role in the coming resistance, until the widespread protest of the Townshend Acts in 1767. In 1769, he introduced a resolution to the House of Burgesses calling Virginia to boycott British goods until the Acts were repealed. In 1775, Washington traveled to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia dressed in a military uniform, showing that he was prepared for war. On June 15th, 1775, he was appointed Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the colonial forces against Great Britain. The worst time for Washington and the Continental Army was during the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The force suffered thousands of lives lost, mostly due to disease.

They were killed by disease, like malaria and smallpox. The British army left Philadelphia to return to New York City. They decided to leave and attack British General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. Cornwallis surrendered. Washington had no idea Yorktown would bring an end to the war. By November of 1783, the British had evacuated New York City and the war was over. The Americans had won their independence. Washington formally told his troops farewell and in 1783, he resigned his commission as commander of the army and returned to Mount Vernon.

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George Washington and Fort LeBoeuf. (2019, Mar 14). Retrieved from