Main Changes during the Industrial Revolution

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During the Industrial Revolution, many lives were changed by innovations. There were some innovations that needed to be updated, but there were also some ideas that needed to come to life. Some of the most important innovations were the telephone, the incandescent lightbulb and the car.

In 1846, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The telepone was invented to improve the telegraph. In contrast to the telegraph that used Morse Codes, the telephone allowed people to use their voices to talk from long distances.

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The telephone was a complex machine. Soundwaves turned into an electrical current and traveled inside a wire. Then, the other person could hear the speaker. When it was released, people were able to talk freely. Ten years after it released, one hundred thousand people in the U.S.A. had one.

Another important innovation of the Industrial Revolution was the incandescent light bulb made by Thomas Edison. Edison was one of the greatest innovators. He invented the incandescent light bulb that provides light for a longer period of time. Once Thomas Edison got the idea, he started working, but the light bulb wouldn’t work.

He tried and tried many different formulas, but all of the light buls burned out. Then he tried a thread of cotton stiff with carbon, and it worked. The light bulb ran for forty-five hours. As a result of that success, he showed it to the public on September 4, 1882. After it was sold, it lit factories and cities at night. Also, the light bulb made the electric generator possible.

Finally, another great innovation was the car made by Henry Ford. Henry Ford’s first model of a car was the quadricycle. The quadricycle had four wheels, but it didn’t have a protective shell just in case of a wreck. After making the quadricycle, he wanted to improve it. Ford worked day and night to finish his invention. When he was done, he officially made the car called the Model A but it eventually failed. After he made the Model A, a little later, he had another idea to make another model made of interchangeable parts. After the construction was over, he named it the Model T, the most famous car made by Ford. People were driving where they wanted after it was released. Soon, there was fifteen million Model T’s sold in the U.S.

There were many innovations in the Industrial Revolution. Those inventions changed America by making life easier for Americans, but another most important reason for the American inventions was that they changed the world forever.

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Main Changes During the Industrial Revolution. (2019, Feb 28). Retrieved from