Down Syndrome’s Long Term and Short Term Effects

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Updated: May 16, 2022
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Down syndrome is a somewhat common disease that according to “A 25-year-old woman has a 1 in 1,200 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome; by 35, the risk has increased to 1 in 350; by age 40, to 1 in 100; and by 49, it’s 1 in 10, according to the National Down Syndrome Society.” Down syndrome is not a fatal disease but it can drastically change your life. If you have Down syndrome Fortunately there is no cure but you can’t get surgery and physical therapy, the physical therapy can help you with your strength and the surgery can help you with different things.

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Down syndrome happens when you have 3 pairs of chromosome 21. Down syndrome can make you look different because they have flattened faces, short necks, small head and many more but either way they should get the same respect we get.

Down Syndrome affects the human body in many different ways and places. The places are the circulatory system, the gut, the ears, the eyes, the brain(the Cerebellum), the thyroid gland and the the spine. Every person that has Down syndrome has it different so some may have more and some may not have all of those. When you have Down syndrome you can also have a better chance of getting sick easier because their immune system isn’t as strong as ours.

The circulatory system gets affected by congenital heart defect is observed in almost half of the population with Down syndrome. The gut interferes with Down syndrome with digestion problems that can cause constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion and even bowel obstructions are common. The ear can cause chronic ear infections that occur in infants with Down syndrome half the infants with Down syndrome have narrow ear canals. Vision problems right from the time of birth are extremely common for this genetic disorder. They include: short-sightedness, long-sightedness and other vision problems. The brain can be affected by dementia at a younger age than in the general population which develops it usually after 40+ years. The type of dementia is either the same as or very similar to Alzheimer’s disease, with signs including problems with short-term memory and understanding, confusion, and disorientation. The Down syndrome patients have a higher chance of having thyroid problems than the general population. Around 1 in 10 people with Down syndrome have problems with their thyroid gland. Because of spine problems that people Down syndrome have they might have extra bones below the skull These bones can press on the spinal cord and increase the risk of injury.

Down syndrome can have long term and short term effects both aren’t good but I would rather have short term and i’m sure they would too. Some long term effects that you may get if you have Down syndrome are the conditions I mentioned up above and also have trouble learning. Some short term effects, are not quite as understanding on how to do the more simple stuff to us like sitting, standing, walking and reaching. Every person is different so for other people these may be swapped or something else. People with Down syndrome also can have trouble talking because their brains don’t work the same as ours.

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Down Syndrome's long term and short term effects. (2019, Dec 13). Retrieved from