The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance

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The operational director for the visual security force Mr. James Dunbar has a very distinct job responsibility; some those responsibilities include dealing with prison reconstruction and decongesting those prison at large to minimize the high over population of those prison. Based on this, Mr. Dunbar has also partner with other entities to mitigate the risk of overcrowding of prison by advocating for other avenues such as private prisons and the community-based correction programs. This however, has enabled him to be a constructive partner with law enforcement officers to ensure that their work is running smoothly.

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According to James Dunbar the operations director of the virtual security force there have been numerous of individuals in the criminal justice field which in turn has been very useful over the years because the concentration has been on the increasing number of prisoners.

Moreover, as the number of inmates increase, Mr. Dunbar explained the significance of collaborating with other stakeholder within the Virtual Criminal department to share valuable knowledge on combating overcrowding prisons and looking in to critical issue like free and fair trail of inmates; reasonable sentencing and executing or upholding legal rights of inmate.

As an operations director James Dunbar’s also has additional responsibilities such as Investing new modern prison buildings which amount to an increment in percentile break down by 43% from 2003 to 2015; these percentage has triggered positive debate as to the production of accommodating more inmates in a well modern facility. In addition, even the number of community-based probation cases which he oversees has soared over the years. Questions still abound on the necessity and appropriateness of the size and capacity of the current Virtual security force that he operates.


James Dunbar explained, allocating fund that will adequately resourced and financed community supervision will effectively help in deinstitutionalizing inmates by instilling a sense of hope and correcting criminals. Interestingly, Mr. Dunbar also explained this issue with the police chief and the Attorney general and they have been very cooperative. As a matter of fact, the Attorney General promised him that he would ensure that a good amount of money from the country’s treasury department is set aside for prison reforms and community-based supervision programs.

On the contrary, Chief Moore has been very critical on Mr. working approaching by unequivocally saying he needs to work with speed to end the reign of terror in the VBBC. However, Mr. James Dunbar’s spoke extensively about having extra investments that will redirect criminals out of the current system. According to Mr. Dunbar, With over 6 million individuals on probation any increase in these figures due to legislative efforts will have critical stress on the supervising agencies (Kemshall, 2012). However, James Dunbar’s call has always been to do business and given his love for making money he does not bother much with what happens in these programs.

More so, The chief criminal prosecutor from the Attorney General’s office Raymond Burr has already indicated to James Dunbar that unincarcerated offenders have the chance to take part in treatment against drug abuse, be close to their families and retain employment in their lives natural context contrary to the unnatural environment in the walls of a prison jail. As a matter of fact, the Security Chief of the state correctional facility, Major Allen Iron Gates also indicated to him that behavioral interventions, mental health and drug treatment as well as training in job skills have been found to be very effective in comparison to what is offered in prisons.

However, James Dunbar thinks that there is still a need for sufficient planning as well as resources to guarantee the viability of the community-based corrections programs. He told the District Supervisor for the state department of parole, Martha Street that with the increase in population the supervision quality is likely to suffer a great deal if correction officers are subjected to struggling in their management of rapid caseloads without the tools, training and support they require.


James Dunbar the operations director of the virtual security force has several roles as exhibited in this essay. He is the one in charge of the force that is working to get rid of criminals in the community. He has fostered a close working relationship with the Attorney General, the Chief Criminal Prosecutor in the AGs office, the head of the virtual police department and the security chief of the state correctional facility to ensure the smooth operation of the virtual security force.

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The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance. (2019, Feb 27). Retrieved from