Dancing and Art Dancing and Art

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I am applying for an opportunity to pursue dancing and art at high-tech school. This is because dancing enables people to understand themselves better as well as the world they live in. Dancing as well enhances skills of observation and perception in addition to the concentration that certainly helps students in the rest of subjects in school. This is because dancing refers to the movement of the body rhythmically in a given space to music with the aim of expressing an emotion and to release energy.

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Art, on the other hand, is also known as the visual arts or experience that is intentionally made through the manifestation of imagination and skills. The art encompasses diverse media like drawing, photography, painting, making prints, painting, decoration as well as installation. Various visual arts occur within a range from purely appealing to functional purposes. Learning both art and dance will help me in improving skills on creativity.

Irrespective of whether the art is cooking, music and painting people usually do art as if it’s their own. They both will offer joy and relieve stress, in addition to providing a chance to showcase personal talents and hence showing the world that I am a special person. Once I pursue both disciplines, I will be able to make different communications using arts and earning money will come along. I will be able to sell beautiful paintings and thus earn an income other than becoming a professional dancer who participates in competitions, teach children and amongst others who may wish to learn as well. I do have a talent for painting and drawing, and I have a passion for music. The school will enable me to learn more on the same and hence broaden my mind their application not only for the academic purpose but also as an investment. My love for the music will help in nurturing the skill of dancing.

I had participated in various events including wedding ceremonies where music was played and people engaged in dancing. Professional dancers had been hired which triggered my eager in need to learn dancing as a professional and apply it outside the academics. At the same time, the place was well and professionally decorated and hence looked extra attractive. I later came to learn that each dancer who had been hired was paid a hundred dollars each and the decorator of the even was paid five hundred dollars each. According to me, this can serve as a good part-time job as most events happen over the weekends. Therefore, by the time I will be finishing my course, I will able to earn a living and pay my bills including those of one of my siblings.

The High Tech High school will offer me the chance to achieve these goals since it is one of the institutions that are well known in teaching arts. The staff in the school is well trained and exposed hence giving a better exposure when it comes to learning and application of arts and dance. The quality of education is also high that students from this school are guaranteed for excellence in their future engagements. The facility also offers the best practical skills when it comes to both courses. Students from this school have been participating in international competitions and won trophies hence a proof of the best training.

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Dancing and Art Dancing and Art. (2019, Jul 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/dancing-and-art-dancing-and-art/