Cybersecurity Issues in Societal Perspective

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Updated: Aug 21, 2023
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E-governance and Cybersecurity

Documents issued by a country’s government provide a personal identity to an individual. Driver’s licenses, social security numbers, tax identification numbers, and various other entitlement documents are used on a regular basis by people to demonstrate their identity and authorization for various opportunities. Because these documents form the basis for all subsequent documents, their integrity is of high importance to stakeholders. Therefore, these crucial documents are targets for criminals and further cyberattacks (Conklin, A., & White, G.

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B. 2006, January).

Maintaining a proper cybersecurity system requires a combination of managerial and technical task executions. Management must determine the appropriate level of risk tolerance and accordingly set security measures. Technical specialists, using the security requirements document, should develop the imperative technical safeguards to ensure appropriate levels of cyber protection. After the development and deployment of security functionality, a testing and audit function is crucial to determine both the correctness of the solution and continued compliance to the stated requirements (Khatoun, R., & Zeadally, S. 2017). New solutions suited for e-government, such as knowledge-based authentication, offer insights into unique e-government issues related to cyberattacks. Security failures are high profile events. Several recent incidents, including Card Systems, LexisNexis, Bank of America, DSW, and others have exposed millions of records to potential identity thieves.

E-Businesses and Cybersecurity

The e-business process consists of obtaining customer orders, processing the orders, new product development, and marketing. Depending on the level of integration of e-business, the level of involvement of information technology differs. The actual level of IT involvement is not the critical issue; rather, the level of specific integration and specialization of functionality is the crucial factor. Specialization and specific integration are resource-intensive issues that require significant dedication on the part of the organization to achieve. Security functionality is one of many items that need specific attention with regard to unique e-business functionality. Information technology-based solutions relate to electronic information stored. The information stored in the systems has significant value and needs appropriate levels of protection to ensure its security. The development of specific security controls to accomplish these requirements is of significant concern to e-commerce and therefore substantiates the importance of cybersecurity for e-business functioning enterprises (Khatoun, R., & Zeadally, S., 2017).

Common gray areas, such as authentication methodologies, have received attention from organizations. The use of national level resources to tackle some of the more technical issues associated with security provides significant information applicable to individual implementations associated with e-government and e-businesses involved (Conklin, A., & White, G. B., 2006, January). Two-factor authentication measures involving online personal account authentication linked with personal device authentication is also an effective measure to foster cybersecurity and ensure safe authentication.

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Cybersecurity issues in Societal perspective. (2019, Aug 27). Retrieved from