Customer Success/Customer Engagement

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Customer success and customer engagement are important concepts in every company or business-oriented organization. There are various concerns about the concepts of customer engagement and customer success, as well as their importance for various companies. However, studies have also taken a keen interest in various issues associated with customer engagement through different strategies. From this description, it is clear that customer engagement is a critical concern for every management team with regards to fulfilling the needs of the customers through organizational strategies.

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This study, therefore, provides an important research evaluation of the concepts of customer engagement or customer success within a company and how they affect the organizational behavior within the company. The main field of research is Management, with a particular focus on marketing.

Topic of research proposal

The topic of research is the extent to which Customer Success/Customer Engagement concepts are applied in the Media Industry, and their impact on the Organisational Behaviour of companies. The case study focuses on Amazon.

Customer engagement is progressively gaining popularity among professionals and academics as a distinct consumer brand relationship construct. The recent literature on consumer brand engagement, which is primarily applied, offers various definitions of the construct, but there is little consensus. Thus, we suggest a novel, higher-order model of consumer brand engagement that evolves from organisational psychology. There is a need to refine the concept of employee engagement and examine its factorial validity in a consumer brand relationship context, defining customer brand engagement as consumers’ positive, enjoyable brand-use related perspective that is characterised by intensity, dedication, and absorption.

We also suggest creating and empirically testing a three-dimensional model of brand engagement, outlining relevant antecedents and consequences. More importantly, we assess the administrative utility of customer brand engagement by examining its effect on consumer loyalty intentions. This investigation also considers traditional consumer evaluations of value, quality, and satisfaction.

Consumer engagement is receiving increasing attention in recent marketing literature, recognised by a key need for research on the concept. This idea, which has its roots in relationship marketing, offers a further enhancement to the current theoretisations of consumers and brand relationships. Its added value lies in acknowledging the interactive and experiential nature of consumer relationships, while extending their scope beyond core purchase situations. Engaged consumers demonstrate attitudes that go beyond traditional market-attributed buyer behaviours, following the logic of value co-creation.

Using this theoretical lens allows for a more relaxed and expanded approach to traditional relationship marketing and its focus on straightforward company-customer, transaction-driven relationships, thus providing a richer understanding of brand relationships. Consumer engagement also holds theoretical significance – maintaining a connection with the consumer base is increasingly important and is considered a fundamental strategy by many marketing professionals.

The perceived benefits of consumer engagement, including changes in consumer behaviour and brand performance, fuel both academic and practical interest in understanding and guiding this concept.

Theories on customer engagement are still developing. Brodie et al. (2011) described customer engagement as a central factor in a nomological network but did not elaborate on what this network entails. There is also no consensus on whether engagement pertains only to the customer or should also include other actors in the network. Despite these theoretical disagreements, both marketing practitioners and researchers agree that engagement is a critical concept, particularly in the age of big data and digital media.

The concept of affordance is crucial and has been linked to organisational behaviour to comprehend new combinations of innovation and leadership processes that continuously create potential implications, thus influencing organisational growth (Boland, Yoo, Majchrzak, and Lyytinen, 2012), structure, and function (Griffith, Zammuto, Dougherty Faraj and Majchrzak, 2007; Grain and Leonardi, 2008).

Concerning managerial utilization of data innovation, the idea of “innovation affordance” refers to an action potential. That is, to what an individual or organization, for a specific purpose, can do with an innovation or information system (Markus & Majchrzak, 2012). Thus, affordance is a fresh concept of innovation within the organizational framework.

Considering all types of ideas, an affordance should not be a property of the innovation itself or a standard issue for the company or organization. Instead, it is an opportunity for conducting activity existing at the interconnecting point of these elements, given that they possess different qualities. In other words, this concept suggests that despite the direct link between innovation and the organizational framework, they are seen as distinct phenomena. Organizations or innovations cannot stand alone and therefore they are not experimentally vital independently.

When they become intertwined in specific arrangements, they create, maintain or even modify either routines or innovations in tandem (Leonardi, 2011). Despite the notion that affordances are provided with the possibility of being available for activity, the comprehension of affordance is crucial for the entity to engage in a behaviour. Exteroception is the interaction between an object and an observer’s perceptual and cognitive systems, such as the awareness of a specific social medium and its properties (Hutchby, 2001).

Proprioception, on the other hand, is the perception of the entity itself, for instance, an awareness of the observer’s characteristics and abilities. The recognition of an affordance requires coperception, or the simultaneous awareness of the available objects and the entity’s own attributes- for instance, it may necessitate awareness of the avenues for action that a specific medium provides to a specific firm.

Objectives of the study

1. To find out the extent of customer engagement concepts within Amazon Company.
2. To evaluate the impact of customer engagement concepts on the organizational behavior of Amazon Company.
3. To establish the most effective customer engagement concepts within Amazon Company.
4. To determine customer needs and satisfaction with the products and services offered by Amazon Company.


This section provides an explanation of the various steps that are critical in carrying out the study and achieving the set objectives. The section also discusses research design, sampling procedures, target population, and the data collection processes, as well as the data analysis procedures.

Research Study Design

The study will consider the exploratory design, in which the research study will investigate the extent of customer engagement concepts utilized within Amazon Company and the customer satisfaction with the products and services offered by the company. Exploratory research design is a type of design where the researcher explores the elements of study and then describes the activity as it is. The study will, therefore, utilize a survey approach, which is primarily conducted using questionnaires.

Target Population

The target population of the study comprises 300 customers of Amazon Company. They are to be surveyed through online platforms, especially Facebook and Gmail. The target population should be perceived as conversant with the practices of branding, marketing, and customer engagement that are critical in order to understand the importance of brands.

Sampling Process

Sampling is a process within statistical practice that is associated with choosing individual observations. These are intended to produce information about a specific population, selected particularly for the purpose of statistical inference. A simple random sample will be used, with the sample size being 200 samples, which represents 67% of the target population. A simple random sample consists of individuals selected from the larger population. This was an appropriate sample size because it accounted for two-thirds of the total target population.

Every individual is selected entirely by chance, ensuring that each person is chosen using the same probability process. This method is implemented to minimize the chance of bias and to simplify the analysis of the obtained results. Therefore, it can be concluded that the target population was well represented by the samples taken.

Research Instrumentation

The study will utilize online questionnaires to collect data. Questionnaires can be defined as an instrument used to gather data, which allows for an assessment for or against a particular viewpoint. The questionnaires will mostly comprise closed-ended questions. These will include general questions, particularly concerning the number of times individuals have purchased products from the company, practices related to pricing, customer care services, and other aspects tied to the relationship between customers and the company.

Data Collection

Before conducting the actual data collection process, a pilot test will be conducted to assess the research instruments and to test the clarity of the questions. A few respondents will be issued online questionnaires to meet this requirement. Once completed, any unclear questions will be corrected. The administration of the questionnaires will be conducted by the researcher, who will receive them once they are finished. The researcher will then conduct the research while engaging with the respondents online. The criteria for selecting respondents will involve the evaluation of factors, including the ability to stay online long enough to fill out the questionnaire. The researcher will be available to explain and clarify any questions.

Data Analysis and Techniques

The quantitative data will be collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics, with the help of Microsoft Excel, and presented through frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. The data will be presented in the form of tables and graphs so that there is accurate interpretation to show if there is actually any relationship between consumer engagement concepts and organizational behavior.


This research proposal provides an overview of the concepts related to customer engagement and its effect on the organizational behaviour at Amazon Company. The research proposal has evaluated various sub-issues, including research objectives, background information, research methodology, and work schedules.


Hutchby, I. (2001). Technologies, Texts, and Affordances. Sociology, 35(2), 441-456.

Yoo, Youngjin., Boland, R. J., Jr., Lyytinen, K., & Majchrzak, A. (2012). Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World. Organization Science, 23(5), 1398-1408.

Zammuto, R. F., Griffith, T. L., Majchrzak, A., Dougherty, D. J., & Faraj, S. (2007). Information Technology and the Changing Fabric of Organization. Organization Science, 18(5), 749-762.

Majchrzak, A., & Markus, L. (2012). Technology Affordances and Constraint Theory of MIS. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Leonardi, P. M. (2011). When Flexible Routine Meets Flexible Technologies: Affordance, Constraint, and the Imbrication of Human and Material Agencies. MIS Quarterly, 35(1), 147-167.

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Customer Success/Customer Engagement. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from