Charles Manson’s Early Life

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Charles Milles Manson (Maddox) was born November 12, 1934 from an unmarried 16 year old Kathleen Maddox but then it became Kathleen Manson – Bower – Cavender. When he was first born his name wasn’t Charles but “no name Maddox.” Manson’s biological father Colonel Walker Henderson Scott Jr left saying it was a job from the military keeping him away but in reality when he heard that Kathleen was pregnant that was the reason he left. Kathleen in August of 1934 before Charles was born Kathleen married William Eugene Manson (1909 -1961), he was listed on Charles’s birth certificate as a “laborer.

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” Kathleen went on drinking sprees with her brother Luther and that’s when she met colonel Walker Henderson Scott Jr. She then officially named her baby Charles. After that she told her husband William it was his kid but was lying to stay together. She after continuously went on drinking spree’s leaving Charles with babysitters while William worked. William found out Charles wasn’t his child and was tired of Kathleen’s drinking so he divorced her on April 30, 1937. Later on August 1, 1939 Kathleen and her brother Luther’s girlfriend Julia Vickers was drinking with a friend Frank Martin. Frank Martin was known as being pretty wealthy. So the girls decided to rob him. Luther came to help steal as well. They were found by the police and arrested within hours of robbing Frank Martin. At the trial, Luther was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Kathleen was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison. Charles was placed in a home with his aunt and uncle. His mother was later paroled in 1942. Charles says when she came back into his life it was the happiest he’s ever been. They moved to West Virginia, where Kathleen met a guy named Lewis. She sent Charles off to Gibault School for Boys in Terre, Haute Indiana, a school for male delinquents run by Catholic priests. Charles ran away from the school to his mother, but was returned to the school by his mother. Charles ran away again 10 months later but went to indianapolis. This is where he first started crime. Charles rented a room and paid for it and other resources bu burglarizing stores at night. He was caught and put in a juvenile facility in Omaha, Nebraska. He spent four days there till him and another boy named Blackie Nielson teamed up and stole a car and a gun, and robbed a grocery store and casino. After they decided to drive to the home of Nielson’s uncles house in Peoria, IL. Nielsen taught them more ways of stealing and intimidating people to give them what they want. So Manson decided to try it one night and got caught trying to raid a Peoria store. Was sent to the Indiana School for boys again but was supposedly raped. He tried getting out by faking insanity which he learned to do from Nielson’s uncle. After that didn’t work, he decided to get with two other boys and escape in February of 1951. The three of them were driving separate stolen cars, where they were arrested in Utah. Its a federal crime to drive across state lines in a stolen car according to the Dyer Act, so Manson was sent to Washington D.C. and put into another school for troubled boys. When he was there they made him take tests and found out he was illiterate and had an IQ higher than the average Americans. Manson’s was 109 while the average is 100.

Charles was transferred and put into a minimum security institution in October of 1951. His aunt frequently visited him there and suggested to the administrators he come stay with her until, before his parole board hearing he held a patient at knifepoint and raped him. He was then moved to a Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia. He committed eight more offenses here, three of them were sexual. Cause of this and his age now he was moved to a Maximum security reformatory in Chillicothe, Ohio. The plan was to leave him here till his 21st birthday but Charles got out early because of good behavior in May 1954. In January 1955, Charles married a hospital waitress named Rosalie Jean Willis. Rosalie pregnant now, Charles decided to make the choice of moving to Los Angeles, but they traveled in a stolen car from ohio and was arrested again for crossing state lines with a stolen vehicle. He was given five years as punishment. But he decided to not show up to the hearing in Los Angeles and one in Florida which was from a crime he did a while ago. But because he didn’t show up to either hearings, his warrant for his arrest was issued. He was arrested in Indianapolis on March of 1956. He was then sentenced and thrown into Terminal Island, San Pedro, California for three years. His wife had the baby when he was in prison. She named him Charles Manson Jr. They visited about every week till they stopped because Rosalie left Manson for another man. Manson tried everything to get out of that prison from attempting to steal a car, forging documents which he got more time for, to that his new girlfriend Leona (he somehow met before imprisonment) was needing help and were deeply in love too. Leona told the Judge that Manson and her were going to get married if he was released early, so he was and they did get married. He and Leona traveled to New Mexico where Charles was arrested for falsifying checks. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 1960. In 1961 he was transferred to McNeil Island, Washington. This is where he met Barker – Karpis gang leader Alvin “Creepy” Karpis. He taught Charles how to play the guitar at the prison. In 1963 Leona got a divorce from Charles, Charles had a son supposedly name Charles Luther with her he later found out. Charles was sent to Terminal Island again in 1966 and was set to be released on March 21, 1967. When Charles Manson left prison he became well known sort of through his music he was writing and his attraction. In 1968 he attracted a whole bunch of followers,later known as “The Manson Family.”

Charles loved being in power and being the cult leader so he used his new power for sex, money, and eventually murder. Manson ordered and participated in 18 murders. Three of the largest and well known murders that occured are the Hinman murder, Tate murder, and LaBianca murder. The Hinman murder is where Manson shot Bernard Crowe after Crowe threatened The Manson Family for scamming money out of him. Manson thought Crowe was apart of the Black Panthers organization. Manson was afraid of Crowe coming back to get him with the Panthers. So he planned on running but he needed money so he sent two of his members over to Manson’s friends house Gary Hinman. Manson told his two members that to ask him politely and if he doesn’t budge use force. Well Hinman didn’t budge so they held Hinman hostage to try and get money from family members. But that wasn’t working either. Manson lost his patience with Hinman and slashed off his left ear with a sword while a member of the Manson family (Beausoleil) stabbed Hinman twice. They decided to paint “political piggy” on the wall with Hinman’s blood along with a Black Panthers paw print trying to indicate the Black Panthers did it. Beausoleil was found asleep in Hinman’s car still covered in blood and with murder weapon.

The Tate murder is where Sharon Tate, pregnant was having a house party with friends. Her friends were Abigail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, and Jay Sebring. Charles mad because the homeowner who was not present denied Manson’s record deal, ordered members of The Manson Family to go into the house and “destroy everyone in it – as gruesome as you can.” Four members climbed the wall around the house and broke in, Steven Parent a visitor of the residences caretaker was leaving when confronted. He was slashed once then shot four times in the chest and abdomen. Tate and Sebring were tied together by their necks. Sebring then was shot and stabbed seven times. Frykowski fought one of them resulting get shot in the legs then beat by the gun he almost crawled out of the yard but was stabbed a total of 51 times. Folger was stabbed 28 times after Frykowski. Tate was the last to die, she supposedly pleaded for her life and her baby’s but the group still killed her. They stabbed Tate 16 times. The baby didn’t make it.

The LaBianca murder is where on August 10, 1969 the night after the Tate murder Manson and six members of The Manson Family committed another murder. Manson and his closest member Watson drove around looking for people to kill. The decided on the LaBianca couple. Manson told his six members to come to their house and meet him there. Manson and watson went in beat the couple and tied them with the cord of their lamp in their house. Manso then left saying Watson is in charge. Rosemary and Leno was the couple’s names. Leno tried fighting back resulting in Rosemary’s death. Rosemary was stabbed a total of 41 times. Leno was then dragged and stabbed a total of 26 times. “Death to Pigs” and “Rise” was written in Leno’s blood on the wall. Also “Healter Skelter” was written on the fridge.

Now these are just three murders Charles Manson was involved with there are a whole bunch more. Charles was arrested and admitted to state prison in Los Angeles County April 22, 1971. He was sentenced to death for the Tate Murder. He then was convicted of second – degree murder of Hinman’s death. Was not given Parole at first but then it was accepted. He started it till he was caught telling outsiders again to do crimes for him but this time it was trafficking drugs. He was transferred to many prisons because of him contacting people. He was also set on fire by an inmate while being held once. Manson suffered third degree burns. While Manson was imprisoned he did a total of four interviews with news sources. They were actually even award winning one got an Emmy award. But the fame couldn’t help Manson anymore after all the carnage he did. On January 1st, 2017 Manson became very ill. Doctors stated Manson was to weak to perform surgery on, so Manson will just have to die a slow death. On November 19th, 2017 Charles Manson died from Cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, and colon cancer.

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Charles Manson's early life. (2019, Oct 28). Retrieved from