Birth Controll Pills

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Far and away the most common method of birth control today is the birth control pill. The pill contains a combination of two female hormones, estrogen and progestin, it prevents the body from releasing an egg from the ovary and it also thickens up the mucus at the cervix. In addition, the pill is harmless and in fact, birth control pills are even safer for teenagers than for adults. However, the pill is not relatively easy to obtain, it requires a prescription.

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This issue has been extremely debated ever since 750,000 teens become pregnant every year and the majority of these pregnancies are unintended. Without the help of contraceptive pills, large numbers of teenagers will become mothers; therefore, I agree with the statement that birth control pills should be available at the counters without a prescription not only to prevent a pregnancy but because the pills can treat numerous diseases, and it has social and economic benefits.

Seven hundred fifty thousand teenagers become pregnant each year the vast majority (82 percent) of these pregnancies are unintended and that means 3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20, making the united states the highest countries with teen pregnancy rates (Facts, n.d.) Selling the pills at the counters will help the teenagers to prevent becoming mothers at an early age and according to John Hopkins University (2017), birth control pills are a popular, safe, effective method to prevent a pregnancy. Not to mention that it will result in lowering the rates of teenage pregnancy in the country, as mentioned previously, the United States has been highly ranked as having one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the western world. But due to the offering of birth control pills, “Teenage pregnancy has declined drastically in recent years, reaching an all-time low in 2014, with just under 250,000 babies born to women between the ages of 15 to 19. The teenage birth rate has declined for seven years in a row, and most reports attribute the declines partially to access to birth control for young women.” As stated by Laura June (2017).

And the report of the National Center for Health Statistics says contraceptive use may have contributed in declining the number of teen births.

In addition, selling contraceptives pills give the teenagers an opportunity to complete their education and accordingly to Amie Newman (2017) “Birth control gives women more options for educational and professional attainment, increases a woman’s earning power, and narrows the gender pay gap, according to a report from the Guttmacher Institute.” At by looking to the facts, more than 50% of the teen mother never graduate from high school and less than 2% of teen moms earn a college degree by age 30. The reason why they drop out is that they are forced to work in order to support their unexpected child. There are the guys who marry before they are ready and perhaps to wives, they would not marry and so often these marriages end in divorce. Most tragic of all, some children grew up knowing that they are a mistake, or knowing that they are more like a burden to their parents than joy. And just in 2012, in the state of Texas, there were 44 births per 1,000 girls. If contraceptive pills were not offered in the counter, more number of pregnant teenagers won’t be able to graduate from high school nor college and that would harm the economy and the taxpayers because according to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, taxpayers paid more than eight billion dollars to help support health cares designed to help the 420,000 teenage mothers who gave birth in just one year. Therefore, without the help of birth control pills more unplanned pregnancies might happen, making more of a finical burden to society. Not only that, because of the unwanted pregnancies, 46 million women were requesting an abortion for their fetus and 96 percent of those abortions represents a secondary form of birth control that means they did not have access to birth control on the front end, according to World Health Organization.

Besides, birth control pills helps treating different disease like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Lack of periods, Menstrual Cramps, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), and Acne. (Medical Uses of the Birth Control Pill, 2018) It also regulates the period and keeps it lighter. From personal experience from anonymous user said that “Not only did it make my period lighter, get rid of my acne, and stop my cramps, it makes me feel much more confident that I will not become pregnant! I have an alarm set on my phone for 8 PM each night that reminds me to take it and I try to keep my pack of pills with me in my purse so that I always have it.” Moreover, girls who take the pills are less likely to get a medical condition called anemia, and they have a lower chance of getting endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and ovarian cysts.

The most compelling argument against this thesis is the idea that birth controls pills can cause several negative effects on the consumer. They can range from nausea, headache that can be reduced by taking a low-dose, weight loss or gain, and blood clots. Usually the critical side effect is rare and the negative symptoms subside after a while, but concerning the weight loss and gain doctors have not found a consistent link between the use of birth control pills and weight fluctuations. However, according to one review, studies of other birth control methods showed that some types of hormonal contraceptive have been linked to a decrease in lean body mass. And regarding the higher risk of blood clots and stroke, it is actually found that the risk is four times higher during pregnancy than taking a combined pill. Nonetheless, it is not 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, as for every 100 women who use the pills for a year, 8 or fewer women will become pregnant. (Kaplan, n.d.). However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the pill is considered to be the most popular form of birth control especially among teenagers, between the ages of 15 to 19, which is also when women are at higher risk for maternity. Statistics also shows a decline in teen pregnancy with just fewer than 250,000 babies were born to teenagers between the ages of 15 to 19. Nevertheless, in December 2012, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists made an official report stating that birth-control pills can be sold over the counters after a scientific evidence proposed that the practice is not harmful and ultimately morning-after pills have been accessible in the United States for more than half a century.

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Birth controll pills. (2019, Nov 26). Retrieved from