Bipolar and Related Disorders

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Bipolar Disorder is normally referred to as manic-depressive disorder; this is a mental health disorder that causes mood swing, meaning you experience highs and lows. When people are depressed, they normally feel as though things are hopeless, they lose interest in things that used to be important or things that they do every day on a daily basis before they became depressed. Although bipolar is a lifelong condition, It is a disorder that can be leveled out and controlled to an extent.

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There are several ways to monitor the ways that Bipolar might affect you. Some choose to go to counseling and learn different ways to cope with the mood swings that they have, sometimes they are prescribed medication. Bipolar Disorder is something that people should know about because it affects everyone that is around the person with this disorder. The reason I chose this topic was because it was a very interesting topic that I believed more people should know and be aware of.

There are many symptoms that are associated with the Bipolar disorder; a few things that you may need to know about Mania and hypomania, these to things go hand in hand with each other when dealing with bipolar disorder. Some of the symptoms that correlate with the bipolar and mania and hypomania are: they are normally upbeat, jumpy or unusual, increased activity, energy or agitation, exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria), decreased need for sleeping or just simply unwilling to sleep, unusual talkativeness, racing thoughts, distractibility, and poor decision-making. When or if you see these symptoms they need to be treated immediately with no exceptions and excuses, like saying ‘Oh I’m okay, I’ll do just fine don’t worry about me.’ That doesn’t get you anywhere. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition. It never leaves, however you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan, or over a long period of time you learn to manage the symptoms once you’re more familiar with them and how they make your body react. In most cases, This is treated with medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy).

There are several types of Bipolar and related disorders. This includes mania, hypomania, and depression. Symptoms can cause unpredictable changes in mood and behavior, resulting in significant distress and difficulty in life. There are two main phases that take place in this disorder. Or two main symptoms, rather: Manic phase and Depressive phase. Both very different but very powerful.

In the manic phase, it is common to experience feelings of heightened energy, creativity, and euphoria. If you’re experiencing a manic episode, you may talk fast, sleep little, and act hyperactive. You may also feel powerful or invincible. Rather. Destined for greatness (meaning you can do anything).

Depressive phase is obviously about going through a depressive phase. When you experience this phase you’ll experience symptoms like fatigue, lack of interest in things you would normally find enjoyable, weight gain or weight loss. Depending on whether or not you starve yourself or eat your heart’s content. Sadness. Hopelessness… And thoughts of suicide. Dealing with this phase of the disorder is definitely the harder of the two. This stage is one of the reasons for the heightened epidemic for teen suicide. Many people feel ‘numb’ during this stage. Although it is hard to face, overcoming these obstacles sometimes include medication or therapy.

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Bipolar and related disorders. (2019, Aug 29). Retrieved from