Benefits and Advantages of Studying Abroad

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Nowadays, most of the young people from developing countries are trying to study abroad in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Earning a degree from the universities in one of these countries is not easy for them and it is very expensive to be able to study in overseas countries; however, parents are willing to support them and fulfill their children’s goal of studying at the foreign universities. The reason many young people go studying in these countries is that they can achieve many life-changing benefits and social advantages that will noticeably improve not only their future career but also their living standard.

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Students who graduate from a foreign university have better job opportunities and higher salary offers from companies than the students from the domestic university.

In job entrance interviews, they may stand out among the candidates because of their international experience on their resumes. They are able to do better in entrance exams and more competitive than others who graduated from home universities as well. They are also attractive to potential employers and most employers are likely to hire them as they believe that employees who studied abroad can relate and interact with people in different backgrounds, nationalities, religions, and languages. The international experience provided by studying abroad makes them comfortable with peers in a multi-cultural team in the professional world. It is one of the most important qualities that a good employee should have for a better workplace. In addition, they can greatly develop their personal skills while abroad. First, they can become a more mature person when they return back to their respective home country. This is because they must get used to an entirely new life in a new country and they need to try to adapt to the unfamiliar environment and cultures while doing and organizing all the personal chores such as doing the laundry, washing dishes, cleaning room and preparing meals.

Moreover, they have to solve the daily life problems and difficulties on their own and they can’t get any help from their parents who are away. They have to budget the foreign currency and live in a new, unfamiliar place. Thus, they become self-dependent and gain important personal and professional qualities and attributes such as leadership, self-reliance, adaptability, problem solving, decision making and time management skills which are undoubtedly helpful in their lives. Furthermore, as they will have no choice but to communicate and relate with many different people from other countries with different languages every day in the social life, they can achieve the precious ability to interact and work together with people in diversity. In this way, they will surely become confident in social life and ready for their future challenges and obstacles they will encounter through their lifetime. Moreover, it’s undeniable that the students who study abroad can broaden their horizon because of eye-opening life experience with a different world view and large global networks they have made during their studies in foreign countries. They can get the great knowledge of other countries’ traditions, cultures, standards, and history and explore new places by international traveling as the best way to experience a culture is to immerse in it. They can make life-long friends while they have the chance to meet new people as well. As their international network grows, there are more opportunities for future careers and great business partnership. In addition, to build the foreign language skill development, studying abroad is the greatest and fastest way ever. Daily life in a foreign country is the best environment to practice the foreign languages in daily conversation. Applying the language in the real world can give the students different experience and make them learn faster as they have to speak on a regular basis.

According to the reports, the number of young people who earn the degree outside of their home countries is significantly increasing and thus it is obvious that many people believe studying abroad can help them pursue not only the great academic learning but also the tons of benefits and experience that will not be possible by staying at home. Studying abroad is one of the best ways to improve the people’s potential and professional talents for a better lifestyle and furthermore, they can acquire great career and internship opportunities with a wide range of global connections. Leaving the familiar behind and experiencing a brand new environment can give them needed interpersonal skills and attributes that may not have been exposed in books and home universities.

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Benefits and Advantages of Studying Abroad. (2019, Jul 09). Retrieved from