Artifact Analysis

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Artifact Analysis

This essay will detail the process and findings of analyzing a historical artifact. It will discuss the artifact’s origin, significance, and the insights it provides into a particular period or culture, emphasizing the importance of artifacts in understanding history. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Analysis.

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On display at the science museum in London, UK is the coaxial switch from the Oscar One CB transceiver. Citizens band (CB) radio is the official name. Manufacturing was done by the South Midlands Communication Limited which was based in Eastleigh, Hampshire, England. Production of these transceivers only lasted 3 years after the start in 1980. This is due to the controversies that arise from the use of CB radio channels. The use of this frequency is standardized worldwide. Countries decide on their authorization of use and constitute this into law.

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This article looks to analyze the above-named artifact, delve into its ethos, pathos, and logos and evaluate its connection to a scientific practice.

The CB transceiver is a short-distance radio communication device that employs the vacuum-tubes technology to transmit frequencies within a range of 40 channels. It covers up to several miles depending on the type of radio, propagation, and antennae. They gained popularity in the early 1970’s as a form of entertainment. Top hit songs and even television programs were aired via this frequency. Many countries do not deem the licensing of CB transmission necessary. This made it an effective tool for scientific, personal or business communications. It came in handy for radio fanatics, truck drivers, plumbers and electricians, hunters, hikers and in scientific expeditions. The advancement of technology out-phased the CB radio leaving the only sentiment to those who held them, dear. Truck drivers use these to relay weather and road information, speed traps and general direction to other truck drivers. Scientists investigating a large archeological site could communicate via this channel too.

CB radios surfaced in 1965 but were quite expensive back then. This was due to the quartz crystals required to power the solid-state transmitters to run the transistors. Modifications made to it over the years lowered the manufacturing price, thus lowering their cost. The antennas for CB radios are relatively long and often require a rubber-ball attached to the top to increase flexibility. These are then mounted on vehicles such as trucks or tour minibusses. The use of CB radios rose sharply over the years and in the 1980’s, citizens band themed magazines were in circulation. CB radio is classified as a Personal Radio Service device. Its frequency band is HF, 26.9650 MHz to 27.4050 MHz. Just below the Citizen’s Band frequency are United States military frequencies from HF 26.480 to 26.960 MHz. This makes them susceptible to outside interference through CB and amateur radio equipment. This makes the use of CB radios around US military installations prohibited. Foreign citizens are also not permitted to use this equipment on US soil. In countries where the radio frequencies are regulated by a foreign government, the use of CB radio equipment is also unauthorized.

The frequencies that are possibly manipulable by CB radio equipment are often delicate frequencies. In other countries, close to the CB radios frequency is the frequency for model aircraft controls or airports. The use of CB radios in these areas is therefore prohibited due to the possible interference in signal transmission. Such countries have these laws stipulated in their constitutions and the possible fine denoted. The CB radio, however much it has proved to be helpful is still opposed in other places. Could this be a hindrance to scientific progress?


Long, M., Houston, A., Keating, J., & Long, M. (1987). The world of CB radio. Summertown, TN, USA: Book Pub. Co.Running head: ARTIFACT ANALYSIS Artifact Analysis Student’s Name Institution Running head: ARTIFACT ANALYSIS Artifact Analysis Student’s Name Institution

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Artifact Analysis. (2019, May 12). Retrieved from