Anorexia Journal Article

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Reading the journal article, it was apparent that the authors main purpose of this journal is the finding of a link between weight overestimation and disordered eating behaviors among normal weight women (Conley &Boardmen,2007).The authors go on further explaining how there is little to no research done with associating normal weight women and their possibility with acquiring an eating disorder because of how they might overestimate their weight and might be at risk of developing anorexia nervosa.

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The key concepts that the authors are trying address is: weight overestimation, eating disorders, body image, and subjective weight in order to see the correlation of normal weight women and their risk level of developing anorexia nervosa. The Authors do by trying to address the main purpose that is associated between weight overestimation and symptoms that come with a disorder associated with eating behavior in their hypothesis (Conley &Boardmen,2007). The authors where able to conduct their hypothesis by using a sample of young women nationally (Conley &Boardmen,2007).

The Authors are trying to conduct a national study with the trying to connect between weight overestimation and disordered eating behaviors. Only focusing on women normal weight, in order to be able to see if there is a link with developing an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa. The Authors states how weight discrepancies might be a useful tool to identify Women at risk at developing more serious eating disorders (Conley &Boardmen,2007). The authors also state how there is 2 links between their hypothesis first being perceptual bias, the weight overestimation with those with disordered eating will also develop disordered body image. Second being motivational distortions where these people would avoid drawing attention to themselves and their unhealthy behaviors (Conley &Boardmen,2007). The authors were influenced by Heilbrun and Friedberg in their work on body size overestimation as a precursor to anorexia and used their data .The data the authors used a national longitudinal study of adolescent health, studying students in grades 7-12 in 1995 this being wave I and then then researchers also followed up in 1996 this being wave II then again between years 2001 and 2002 for wave III. During Wave three the adolescent now being women needed to report their weight (weight being the primary variable.) it was concluded that women who over reported their weight where more likely to develop an eating disorder compared to their peers who either reported under or accurately.

The main inferences from the result of this journal article the author was able to get from their result is as follows. The authors where also able to conclude that most women in the US reported that they were on and a half pound lighter than they were; and the rate of over reporting where among women with a BMI of 20/21 and these were also the women among others who were at a greater risk on developing a disorder as stated next (Conley &Boardmen,2007).The authors stated women who over report their weight compared to those women who either under report or even accurately report their weight are five times more likely to develop eating disorder behaviors. The results are also apparent despite the controlling for distorted body image. (Conley &Boardmen,2007).

As mentioned before the authors make an assumption that there are 2 links between their hypothesis first being perceptual bias and second being motivational distortions. (Conley &Boardmen,2007). The authors state how that they are perceptions and is biased on the individual’s belief. People who argue for perceptual bias thing that the weight overestimation with those with disordered eating will also develop disordered body image. People who argue for motivational distortions thing that people with a disorder would avoid drawing attention to themselves and their unhealthy behaviors (Conley &Boardmen,2007).

In their conclusion the authors finding where in line with Heilbrun and Friedberg in their work on body size overestimation as a precursor to anorexia. The authors found that both motivation and perceptual bias for overestimating with among the individual who conduct an eating disorder behavior, but the authors also argued that weight overestimation, with other important factor should regard women’s nutrition, mental health, other health related factors, and their exercise should be a good indicator for women who are risk at of developing an eating disorder.(Conley &Boardmen,2007).

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Anorexia Journal Article. (2019, Mar 18). Retrieved from