Ancient Egyptian Foods

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Category:Ancient Egypt
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Egyptian culture has its origin in the Ancient Egypt which was one of the earliest origins of civilization. Ancient Egypt’s leadership of Pharaohs is recorded in history has been one of the administration that was well established thus explaining its stability for about 30 centuries. These leaders have been remembered and praised for the leadership in their era (Kemp., 2006). Besides the remembrance of the rulers, ancient Egyptian culture and religion have been recognized as one of the most developed in North Eastern Africa and also in the entire Mediterranean region owing to the civilization in the region.

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The valuable replicas have been made to keep various individuals and various aspects of culture. Most replicas are made for sale, and a good number of them are kept in museums in the country. Besides preserving the political aspect of the culture the social aspects of culture have also been preserved using replicas for remembrance and also to be used for studies. Historians have been able to unearth various cultural practices of the inhabitants of the ancient Egypt by examining the artworks that were left behind. Food production and processing were at the center of the Ancient Egypt’s culture (Sicard and Legras., 2011). The wine was at the center of the Ancient Ancient Egypt’s culture. Barley and were used in making both beer and beers recorded in history. The process of making beer and grinding both barley and wheat using special tools remains a preserved history that is kept in the museums (Harlan., 2001). Replicas have therefore been made to represent these tools and people in the process of making it.Research also shows that the modern food additives that we use in our contemporary society are just a replication of what was being done in the Ancient Egypt. Salt, coriander dills, and vinegar are some of the foods that we use in the modern world to flavor our food (Newman & Newman., 2006). These flavors were used in the ancient Egypt thus clearly showing that the food and the processing processes are just a replication of what was happening in the ancient Egypt.In the case of bread making, it has been found that dough was made into various shapes of things they liked such as animals, leaders and other features (Lyons and D’andrea., 2003). In Ancient Egypt, there was the use of basic tools such as stones in grinding grains and subsequently use of hot walls to make bread (Costin., 2015). I comparison to the present day scenario where there are machines that are used in grinding these grainds and the use of ovens in making bread. These two scenarios exhibit similarity and an improvisation of a method to serve the humanity better. Thombs were used in the ancient Egypt, in the present day people there is the use of graves (Dodson., 2008) This use of graves is a replication of what happened in the ancient Egypt.Egyptians have so far, therefore, made replicas of rulers which apparently are meant to show honor to these rulers. The replicas are either made of the rulers individually or with their spouses serving them with food .These replicas are then intended to communicate a culture that is preserved both in the museum and other places both public and private.


Dodson, A. (2008). Tombs in Ancient Egypt. In? Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures? (pp. 2149-2157). Springer Netherlands.

Sicard, D., & Legras, J. L. (2011). Bread, beer, and wine: yeast domestication in the Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex.? Comptes rendus biologies,? 334(3), 229-236.

Newman, C. W., & Newman, R. K. (2006). A brief history of barley foods.? Cereal Foods World,? 51(1), 4-7.

Kemp, B. J. (2006).? Ancient Egypt: anatomy of a civilization. Psychology Press.

Lyons, D., & D’andrea, A. C. (2003). Griddles, ovens, and agricultural origins: An ethnoarchaeological study of bread baking in highland Ethiopia.? American Anthropologist,? 105(3), 515-530.

Costin, C. L. (2015). Craft specialization.? The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality.

Harlan, J. R. (2001). The early history of wheat: earliest traces to the sack of Rome.? Wheat Science-Today and Tomorrow. Cambridge,? 1, 19.

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Ancient Egyptian foods. (2019, Nov 09). Retrieved from