An Important Role of Globalization

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Recently, globalization has played an important role in the national market economies of various countries. It not only enhances economic integration but also motivates trade liberalization. However, many debates still exist regarding the “side effects” of globalization on the development of countries. Therefore, globalization is a controversial issue that consistently receives significant attention from governments around the world.

Firstly, according to Chernotsky & Hobbs (2018), globalization is defined as a political, economic, and cultural exchange among nations that enhances trade and financial relationships, developing integrated communication networks.

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As the global market becomes accessible for all countries, it creates a competitive environment among suppliers. This is because they need to compete to produce high-quality products with lower operating costs to meet buyer demands. Competition triggers purchasing power, increases trade flow, and fosters global economic growth. However, as humans increase product consumption, they put more stress on the environment. Industries are forced to exploit natural resources for component materials needed in the production process. Consequently, earth’s natural resources become rapidly exhausted, and ecosystems are destroyed and polluted. In general, globalization accidentally stimulates suppliers to over-exploit natural assets to meet global demand.

According to Pettinger (2017), globalization increases economies of scale because parts of a product can be manufactured in different countries to lower average costs and reduce consumer prices. For instance, most component parts inside an iPhone are assembled in China, where labor costs are low. As a result, most of these devices are made in China to offer global customers an affordable price. However, this benefit raises the ethical issue of employers possibly exploiting globalization to abuse human labor by forcing employees to overwork for low wages. Consequently, employees tend to migrate to other countries for higher salaries and better working conditions, which might become a burden on housing and social services in these countries.

On the other hand, the contribution of globalization to education is significant. According to Gupta (2017), “Global education interconnects methods of teaching from worldwide systems to encourage the international development of environmental sustainability, and contributions towards fortifying global industries.” This provides opportunities for students in underdeveloped and developing countries, enabling them to access high-quality international education, apply advanced technology and science in daily life, and understand the cultural diversity across countries. They are expected to become the next generation that helps their countries liberate themselves from poverty, backwardness, and ignorance. Globalization can enrich students with new knowledge and practical skills to improve the world.

In conclusion, globalization has become a controversial topic. While it brings many long-term benefits for labor markets, economic growth, international education, and multicultural diversity, there are also some negative impacts. Personally, I believe we should continue developing globalization while ensuring that each nation’s government strictly controls international trade law and natural resource policies for positive outcomes.

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An important role of globalization. (2019, Mar 06). Retrieved from