Albert Einstein Research Paper

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Some say he is one of the smartest people in the world. He has published over 300 research papers that have made groundbreaking discoveries in the laws of physics. As a result of all of his scientific discoveries, he has accomplished many things in his life. Many know Albert Einstein for receiving a Nobel prize in physics. A less known accomplishment but equally important is that Einstein used his influence to stand up for others affected by ethnic and religious discrimination.

As a humanist, he stood up against ideologies that divided people such as nationalism, racism, and ethnic nationalism.

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For example, when Hitler took over Germany, he abandoned his German citizenship and permanently moved to the U.S. where he helped his Jewish colleagues escape Nazi Germany. In the U.S., Einstein used his influence at Princeton University to fight racism. Einstein believed that the worst disease of humankind is racism. Furthermore, he protested against nuclear weapons and believed that a world government was essential to prevent nuclear war. Albert Einstein was not only a genius in physics but his thoughts on humanity were way before his time.

Einstein is known as one of the most renowned Jews and famous people in modern history, but not as much is known about his impression on Judaism and his political views. He was born in a small town called Munich, Germany in 1879. During his teenage years, his family moved to Italy. Einstein received Jewish education as a child. His parents sent him to a Catholic school and he was the only Jew in his entire class. He was raised in a completely secular home. However, as he grew older, he experienced anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is heavy discrimination or extreme hatred towards Jews.

Before World War One he learned so much about the plight of East European Jews from refugees who arrived in Germany after and also during World War One, fleeing destruction, and economic ruin. It was a extreme valuable lesson he’d never forgot. In Switzerland he was taught at the universities in Zurich Switzerland, then returned to Germany in 1913 to teach at the University of Berlin.

In 1905 Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. He won a Nobel prize for his accomplishments and also research in physics in 1921. Einstein refused nationalist hysteria to deny participation in World War One. Einstein being a pacifist he was disgusted by national and ethnic hatred. He said Nationalism it is a Childish sickness. Einstein once said During the time in which there was the Weimar Republic Einstein was known as a militant pacifist, Einstein supported the draft resistance. He was a socialist with a strong commitment to civil rights. He rejected communism as undemocratic and extremely disrespectful. Around this time no one seemed to care that these childish acts of ethnic hatred were happening they were just blinded by the war and time period. Whenever Hitler got brought to power in 1933, Einstein touring in the US at the time.

The Nazis Attacked Einstein in their announcement then they raided his home. To protest against the Nazis he renounced his German citizenship, and after a quick return to Europe, he settled permanently in the US accepting a position at an Institute in New Jersey. Worried about the outcome of his friends, he used his influence to help the moving of Jewish professors and scientists from Nazi Germany. He also raised funds to help other Jewish refugees escaping Hitler.

In 1938, he became a member of an American Association of Teachers at Princeton he said, I consider it important indeed necessary for intellectual workers to get together, both to protect their economic status and also to protect the influence that they have in the political field. During the mid to late 1930s, Einstein resigned pacifism as a protest to Nazi Germany’s aggression and in 1939, he wrote to FDR warning him that Germany could be developing nuclear weapons and trying to convince him to explore building them first. This urged FDR to launch the Manhattan Project, which ended in US development of the A-bomb, but Einstein had no say or role in the development of the A-Bomb.

In fact, after the war, he said that he would never have told Roosevelt if he knew that Germany was so far behind in building an atomic bomb. For the rest of his life, he was demanding the ending of all nuclear weapons and said that a world government was needed to prevent a nuclear war. Einstein has accomplished and has helped a countless amount of people. One thing that Einstein will always be remembered for is how he helped refugees somewhere even professors Einstein had worked with in the past.

Einstein thoughts and beliefs were way before his time. During his time it seemed normal to be racist. Einstein thought of and speaks about racism back during his time as of how people would speak about racism now. Einstein continued to deny a Jewish state after World War Two.

Even though Einstein verified his belief in God and religion he did not use these terms in the traditional sense. Einstein had an extreme amount of respect for the humanistic elements in Jewish tradition. He saw no conflict between service to the Jewish people and to universal human rights. It is clear from many of his writings on the subject that he appreciated Judaism not for its rituals,beliefs or laws but for the fact it’s ethnics and positive attitude toward life. He was not an atheist, but neither did he see any need to be religious. Einstein lived in a town called Princeton until his death in 1955. It is impossible to visit his grave because his body was cremated then his ashes were scattered across the Delaware River.

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Albert Einstein Research Paper. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from