Aids in Ethiopia and Kenya

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Category:Aids Hiv
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Something that no one enjoys discussing is AIDS. AIDS rarely comes up in conversations even though it’s a huge problem in so many different countries. Specifically, I will be talking about the countries Greece, Ethiopia, and Kenya. These countries all have a significant percentage of aids. Greece is a developed country, with a few financial problems while Ethiopia’s economy is booming and Kenya is underdeveloped. This essay will show the prevalence of AIDS in the three countries I have selected.

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These countries are varied between economic success and other factors. There were approximately 36.9 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS in 2017, according to AIDS is most common in males and females ages 15 years or more. Aids in Greece Greece still has one of the lowest HIV rates in Europe.

Only about 12,000 people have the virus in a country of 11 million. But the rate has gone up 60 percent since 2010. And among injecting drug users it’s increased nearly 1,500 percent, according to the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP) goes on to say, “”the majority of HIV infections in Greece are among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). Between January and October 2017, MSM accounted for 45.9 percent (226 cases) of all new infections. Another 17.9 percent (88 cases) were not placed in a specific transmission category although it is likely that the majority of these are also among heterosexual identified MSM. These rates are on par to match or surpass to 2016 figures in which 246 cases (47.0) percent were among MSM, and another 77 cases (14.7 percent) were unidentified. In the absence of identified cases, MSM accounts for some 60 percent of new infections.”” Greece is developed, but is has been facing huge economical issues such as unemployment, debt, and structural problems since 2008.

Aids in Ethiopia

Based on a single point estimate, there are nearly 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia. The adult prevalence rate is estimated at 2.4% and the incidence rate is 0.29%. Ethiopia remains one of the poorest countries in the world in per capita income, but it is currently growing and developing at a rapid rate. Ethiopia still has a relatively low level of industrialization (which characterizes most wealthier developed countries). Approximately 85% of its population is employed in agriculture, often of the subsistence type. Other challenges are a landlocked position (no ports for world trade), a lack of domestic energy resources such as coal, oil or gas, rapidly growing population, and periodic droughts.

However, Ethiopia currently has a very high rate of development for an East African country and is attracting foreign investment, building modern transportation systems, improving education, and expanding industry. The country is notable for its stability within in its region, and has much brighter prospects for today than it did only a few decades ago. Aids in Kenya Kenya is a developing country because it has less developed industrial base and also a generally lower human development index. It simply means Kenya is an underdeveloped country that is improving their infrastructure and growing their economy and therefore developing. Kenya has an average HIV prevalence rate of 6% and with around 1.6 million people living with HIV infection.

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Aids in Ethiopia and Kenya. (2019, Jul 13). Retrieved from