A Class Structure in the Great Gatsby

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“The Great Gatsby” is a pessimistic critique of the variability and variability of the American dream, as the viewer witnesses the rise and fall of the very manifestation of a noble imperative: Jay Gatsby. It soon turns out that his imperishable dream is based on greed and crime, which in itself is representative of the American dream; the pursuit of happiness, which has grown into a search for simple wealth by any means necessary. According to this theme, viewers see how the established relationship of the novel is soon destroyed due to the widespread deterioration of material goods and values.

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I believe that Fitzgerald aimed to illustrate how the American Dream is a farce, and just as it is disrupted by relentless spoilage of money, so the relationship in the novel is broken by moral depravity, which brings desire to achieve and maintain wealth, comfort and social status. Gatsby, for all his wealth, had almost no real personal ties to anyone. A direct proof of this statement can be found at the end of the book in chapter 9, where we learn how badly Gatsby’s funeral was attended. Only Nick, Gatsby’s father, Owl’s Eyes, and a few servants appeared. On pages 168-169 we learn how Nick invited Klippspringer to the funeral, but was disgusted that Klippspringer did not want to have anything to do with the event.

Nick later recounts how one of Gatsby’s bootleggers, who called home, had no idea that Gatsby had left. There is a general indifference to Gatsby’s death, which permeates the last chapter, as both Daisy and Meyer Wolfsheim, the man who “brought him up straight from the gutter” (p. 171), refuse to pay homage to a character who has allegedly had a deep relationship. with both. There is even a description of a backward man who came to Gatsby’s mansion from his travels, unaware that his Gatsby’s party ended some time ago. Gatsby’s striking loneliness is a direct result of his narrow and shameless pursuit of his ambitions, manifested in the image of Daisy Buchanan. Gatbsi, despite all the unpleasant means by which he tried to achieve this, firmly adhered to his incorruptible faith in the Dream.

So he was disappointed to think that if he worked hard enough, Daisy would fall to his knees again, and that they would be able to move forward as if his 5-year break in her life had never happened. One of Gatsby’s most memorable quotes is one in which he claims that the past can be repeated. He claims that he is “going to fix everything as it was before” on page 110, and strongly believes that his lavish parties and fortunes will be enough to bring Daisy back. However, his great ambitions turned out to be a double-edged sword, as they eventually alienated him from society as great. Gatbsi never tried to communicate with any of the people in his party, so West Egg visitors considered him a very mysterious and secretive man. All the nobles and women who attended his events implied that they had exhausted his prosperity and then simply returned to their own affairs; no one but Nick Carraway bothered to befriend Gatsby and dig deeper than just admitting to being a “turban character” (p. 66) that was shown to the public. Even more tragic is the fact that he was unable to bring Daisy back in the long run; thus, all his strenuous efforts (which limited him to focus on one goal) proved futile.

Gatsby failed to realize that Tom, Daisy, and many other high-ranking officials in the West Egg had perpetuated a rigid class structure that excluded newcomers from their circles, a gross betrayal of America’s democratic principles and the notion of the American Dream. Daisy eventually leaves him for the comfort of her Buchanan family, arguing that Gatbesy’s efforts to stigmatize himself as the result of old money and the ingrained wealth of the West Egg have been in vain. The bizarre notion that hard work and merit will bring all the desired rewards is shattered as Gatsby’s power over both Daisy and the rest of his establishment is shattered.

Throughout the novel, Nick could not see the people of West Egg as they really were; “Careless people [who] smashed things and creatures and then backed away with their money or their great carelessness or what held them together and allowed other people to clean up the mess they made.” The relationship allegedly created by Gatsby proved superfluous, and the West Egg residents were fickle robbers who wanted to preserve their aforementioned rigid class structure.

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A Class Structure In The Great Gatsby. (2019, Feb 13). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-class-structure-in-the-great-gatsby/